[url=http://celebrity.yahoo.com/blogs/celeb-news/nick-cannon-wears-whiteface--cue-the-backlash-013716350.html][quote]Hold up… What the f#ck is “White Face”??? Did I just create a new term??? Nice!!! LOL[/quote][quote]Damn I didn't know it was going to be this hard being White! ... I'm exhausted with all this "privilege" LOL #WhitePeopleProblems[/quote][quote]"I think we should have a million white man march and protest @NickCannon album!! Somebody call @rushlimbaugh" LOL[/quote][quote]I love this conversation though. It’s showing a lot of people’s true colors… #punintended #wppm woooo!!![/quote][/url]
Sooo, yeah. Really? Its acceptable for him, but if the roles are reversed its automatically racism. Also the fact he is talking about white privilege, yet is rich, is ironic.
I also get that this is most likely a april fools joke, but seriously, the double standard needs to stop, clear example of it.
Thoughts flood on the reactions, and an example of a double standard?
minstrel shows used whiteface and blackface. both are racist. also it's funny, as a whiteperson, he looks better as a homeless man than his career ever did.