So, at the risk of doing a Beetle, I'm leaving. No doubt most of you won't give a shit, a few of you may be dismayed and some of you will be hanging flags from your windows as if the Netherlands was just liberated.
But ultimately I've decided, for a number of reasons, that I shouldn't come here any more. I may come back in a few weeks, a few months, or never; it depends on a number of variables. As much as I enjoy interacting with everybody in this community (yes, even Camnator), it's a distraction and a crutch I no longer want.
Given the fact I am ambivalent over whether or not life is worth enduring, let alone what I want to do with it, I'm taking some time away from everything and everyone. As much a whiney blog-post as this comes across, I make it with the best and most genuine of intention. So, I'll say goodbye to the users who I feel I have come to know to some degree over the course of being here: Gaara, Dustin, Cam, Door, Arky, Matty, Beetle, Stalwart, Bacon and Evilcam - I say goodbye to you all, although I know I'm forgetting quite a few.
I also give a special thanks and farewell to those users who've offered me support to some degree at one point or another - so to MrPsychologist, Goji, Recon and especially Smi, I say goodbye.
And of course, a general goodbye to the entire community. Hopefully we don't get many newfags by the time I come back, but if I don't come back for whatever reason, I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavours. I'll stick around for a few hours and reply to some people, but after that, I'll block this website and leave it be for as long as I think necessary.
Thanks for almost five years of fun, guys.
And nothing of value was lost that day.
I always hoped that you would stop posting here. That you'd go outside, play a sport, find a girlfriend. I have this fantasy, you see. That one friday night I would be out on the town and stop by this little bar to grab a pint, and I'd see you there with a 5/10. I'd recognize you by the worn out Destiny t-shirt. You wouldn't say anything to me, nor I to you, but we'd both know... that you'd moved on. Instead you sit in your damned man cave fapping to booty threads and crying about feels.
But remember, aren't you here forever?
If you're so invested in this forum that you feel this thread is appropriate or necessary, it's definitely time to take some time off. And I say that with the best intentions. Good luck, man.
Good luck on any/all endeavors Meta Cognition. See you starside.
A perfect example of what the Flood can do to you.
Didn't you say this before?
See ya...
Who r u?
Don't remember you.....
Y-you too
As long as the roads, as high as the sky; my love for you will never die.
Probably too late, but I'll miss you. See you starside, someday.
you'll come back. everyone makes these going away threads usually do.
Edited by Capiton Render: 3/27/2014 1:36:48 PMI dont really understand, youre leaving because you feel you have wasted time here or what? Oh sparkles? Why you leave fgt?
Edited by yarrbro: 3/27/2014 6:34:05 AMNo don't leave! ;( Bb don't hurt me... no more
Just realised the #Camnator tag, made me laugh.
See you later man. Best of luck.
Who even is this guy?
Baby come back! You can blame it all on me! Baby come back!
This is the post I'll come back on then. Maybe I'll phase out too then... Again... Who knows? See you, hope you get lots of homework done and catch up on sleep [spoiler]It helps to delete this app, but you probably already know that[/spoiler]
Edited by Zavala's Pet Cat: 3/27/2014 4:14:11 AMSalute. Salute flood, for we all are witnessing, the last day of Sparkles.
Bby no
April fools is in 5 days
Farewell, oldf*g sparkles. You will be missed