If you made a helium balloon look like that, then it would be perfect.
well... the one I am making will hover... does that count?...
this how. ;)
Dude, that's amazing, brilliant idea, have you considered doing that with a mini quad copter?
Thanks haha, actually yeah, that was my first thought, but i had this just sitting around...
Edited by m asanuma: 4/2/2014 6:04:25 AMYou shall see Apo the osis... you shall see ;) lol *sprinkles warlock magic*
Why must you be so awesome! Destiny is already out of my grasp! Why must you make more awesome shtuff that once again I CANT HAVE?!?! :D
haha Srgt! y'know... I dunno... I just make awesome happen, I guess... lol nah, it's because I'm really diggin' everything about the game so far & REALLY wanna play... but can't... so for now, cosplay gon' happen! B]
Well I followed you. Can't wait to see what other masterpieces you manage to create while we wait for Destiny. Hopefully once it comes out we can play together sometime and show off our armor in the game :P
Sweet! YES that would be epic. HAHA