So, at the risk of doing a Beetle, I'm leaving. No doubt most of you won't give a shit, a few of you may be dismayed and some of you will be hanging flags from your windows as if the Netherlands was just liberated.
But ultimately I've decided, for a number of reasons, that I shouldn't come here any more. I may come back in a few weeks, a few months, or never; it depends on a number of variables. As much as I enjoy interacting with everybody in this community (yes, even Camnator), it's a distraction and a crutch I no longer want.
Given the fact I am ambivalent over whether or not life is worth enduring, let alone what I want to do with it, I'm taking some time away from everything and everyone. As much a whiney blog-post as this comes across, I make it with the best and most genuine of intention. So, I'll say goodbye to the users who I feel I have come to know to some degree over the course of being here: Gaara, Dustin, Cam, Door, Arky, Matty, Beetle, Stalwart, Bacon and Evilcam - I say goodbye to you all, although I know I'm forgetting quite a few.
I also give a special thanks and farewell to those users who've offered me support to some degree at one point or another - so to MrPsychologist, Goji, Recon and especially Smi, I say goodbye.
And of course, a general goodbye to the entire community. Hopefully we don't get many newfags by the time I come back, but if I don't come back for whatever reason, I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavours. I'll stick around for a few hours and reply to some people, but after that, I'll block this website and leave it be for as long as I think necessary.
Thanks for almost five years of fun, guys.
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