Keep in mind that I go to a Christian private school, so today we saw God's Not Dead. I realize that a lot of you more than likely aren't interested in this movie, but it honestly wasn't that bad of a movie.
[b]From an objective viewpoint[/b] the movie was well scripted, well acted, and the pacing was good, as was the story line.
[b]From a religious (Christianity) viewpoint[/b] it's an inspirational film to the believers out there.
I mean, all in all it wasn't a bad movie. Is it a must see? If you're a religious person, sure, ya, go see it, but if you're not, I don't think you will really enjoy it. I'd probably give it a 7/10.
I have no problem with a movie like this existing and hope anyone who goes sees it has a good time, though I might not go see it. However, I think the intent is a bit misguided. I go to a Christian university, though I'm not all that religious personally. Hey, it is a good school with good teachers, I'll take it. Want to know the weird thing though? We still learned about evolution in Biology. A philosophy class is mandatory and the teacher, despite affirming his faith, never took the side of God in the class and actually stressed everybody to think about the concepts. Yet, there aren't exactly any rambling atheists running around because we are introduced to these concepts, so I am just confused why the very mention of these things in some Christian circles is a sign to panic and claim persecution here in the US. To me, this movie may be more antagonizing than helpful, even if it has good intentions. Probably not a fair opinion since I haven't seen it, but that is just how I feel right now.