Medical marijuana is not about getting high.
In marijuana there are many different cannabinoids.
The main 2 are THC ( Tetrahydrocannibinol ) and CBD ( Canibidiol )
THC is the chemical that is responsible for all of the "high"
CBD does not have any noticeable psychadelic effects. And is metabolized by the body at a far slower rate than THC. This means that when you ingest marijuana CBD stays in your body for far longer than THC which is metabolized in a few hours.
What CBD does have is a wide array of medicinal properties that can benefit many people and improve lives.
Some of these include
Has been shown to inhibit growth of cancerous cells in-vitro including breast cancer, colon cancer and cervical cancer
and many others
Strains of marijuana are being specially breeded to have low ammounts of THC and high amounts of CBD.
CBD is really becoming the future of medical marijuana as more research is being done to discover its uses.
I personally know a lot of medical marijuana patients. some with extreme and chronic pain. some with extreme and chronic anxiety, some who have had cancer. Most of them elected to eat a dose of CBD enriched oil when they first wake up in the morning. They do feel a little bit high for an hour or 2. But the THC is quickly metabolized by the body. Leaving CBD flowing around their system that helps them continually through the day. They aren't high during the day. By the time they get to work they are 100% sober and ready.
Without their CBD they would not be able to work, They would lose their jobs, Lose their social lives and probably fall into a depression. Most medical marijuana patients simply want to stop their suffering and live a normal life.
For example a strain of CBD rich cannabis called "Charlettes web" is used to extract high ammounts of CBD into a concentrated oil that can easily be eaten.
This strain was "developed" for a young girl named charolette with extreme seizures. she was having over 300 grand-mal seizures a week. She was basically a vegetable. Completely nonfunctional and at the mercy of her seizures. Remember we are talking about a little girl who is litterally trapped in a body she cannot control. she can't play with friends. She required constant supervision from medical professionals. This girl had litterally no life, no hope for a future, nothing. Desparate her parents tried medical marijuana. And it transformed their child's life.
[url][/url] I reccomend that you watch this. It is a short documentary about her story.
Have some peer reviewed research about the effects of CBD.
I literally did not read any of that.
Weed is magical; this isn't news.
Good stuff man, I've always wanted to try a high CBD strain myself. Just read an article actually about South Carolina voting on a bill to allow CBD into medication legally, which is HUGE since it's such a conservative state. goooooooooo pot
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