Who would you like to voice your Guardian? I made this thread so that anyone and everyone could tell others who they would like to voice their Guardians. When I created this thread's pole chart I didn't realize I couldn't go back and change them. Sorry for everyone that's putting "Morgan Freeman" he was on the pole that I took him off for a minute and didn't realize.
EDIT: Thank you everyone for sharing who you would like to voice your Guardian and for helping this thread reach over 2000 comments! I appreciate it greatly! Thanks again :)
Shepard from mass effect
Liam Neison
Tom Hardy with his Bane voice
Samuel l Jackson
Gilbert gottfried exo
Peter griffin: hahaha does it fly
I'd like Scarlet Johanssen. She sounded nice in that movie (Her?) where she played an OS.
Or Stephen Colbert Stephen: "I'm going to defeat this darkness FOR AMERICA" Speaker: "But America died a long time ago and were in Russia.." [b]All of America[/b]"USA USA USA USA!!!!"
Sylvester Stallone
Anyone that says Morgan is an unoriginal idiot that isn't creative enough to think if anyone else so just says what everyone else is saying. Facepalm.
Nicholas Cage
Scarlett Johansson
Mark wahlberg
Liam Neeson
Jim Carey from cable guy!!!!
Shaun Connery who else!?
My guardian takes after chief, and does not speak. He only mutters the sacred words "Do you need a weapon?" Occasionally.
Edited by PippenOnXbox: 2/1/2015 4:57:38 PMI want Jack Sparrow voicing mine :P I GOT A JAR OF DIRT ON MY HEAD! For my hunter...Cortana. [spoiler]If you couldn't figure out what I meant about dirt, it's Obsidian Mind. [/spoiler]
Manny pacquiao or will ferrall
My gaming needs multiple uses of the word motherfaker
Steve Downes cause I'm so original.
Young thug xD
Voice actor of Morrigan from DA or Breaking Bad actor - Aaron Paul ("Bitch!").