Who would you like to voice your Guardian? I made this thread so that anyone and everyone could tell others who they would like to voice their Guardians. When I created this thread's pole chart I didn't realize I couldn't go back and change them. Sorry for everyone that's putting "Morgan Freeman" he was on the pole that I took him off for a minute and didn't realize.
EDIT: Thank you everyone for sharing who you would like to voice your Guardian and for helping this thread reach over 2000 comments! I appreciate it greatly! Thanks again :)
I would have him narrate my life if I could: Liam. Neeson.
that one guy that's a mute
John Travolta. Because when I'm playing competitive multiplayer and AnimeGeek kills me he'll say "you were killed by AoifeGreez" and ill laugh.
Liam Neeson
Dan Castellaneta as Homer Simpsons voice.
sam worthington (the guy who voices mason in black ops one) "today's the day we succeed" haha
Ray Park
Morgan Freeman
Gary Oldman, all the way.
[quote]Who would u like to voice your guardian?[/quote] Brendon Urie!
We'll, my character is planned to be Awoken hunter. I think a good voice would be Ralph Fiennes in the style of Voldemort.
Lol at everyone choosing Morgan Freeman. Be more original.
Samuel L Jackson I just find him funny.
Arnold Swarzenagar (lol at spelling last name)
Sean Pertwee
Morgan Freeman
The Narrator (The Stanly Parable)
Glados... Portal
Nolan North
Tom Hardy WOULD make a good voice actor for video games...
Michael Jackson
Paarthurnax from Skyrim.
Butters(South Park)