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[url]http://www.gamespot.com/articles/square-enix-rethinks-its-bid-to-appeal-to-the-mass-market-after-bravely-default-success/1100-6418665/[/url][quote]Square Enix has said it is rethinking its approach in making games specifically designed to cater to a massive global audience after the success of Bravely Default, which it considered to be a niche title.
Speaking in an interview with Nikkei Trendy (translated by Siliconera), Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda said company had "lost its focus" after trying to make games that appealed to a wide global audience.
"Not only did they end up being games that weren’t for the Japanese," said Matsuda on the company's recent slate of Japanese titles, "but they ended up being incomplete titles that weren’t even fit for a global audience.”
But Bravely Default, seen as a niche title for hardcore JRPG fans, has helped Square Enix rethink that approach. “On the other hand, there are games like the JRPG we made for the Japanese audience with the proper elements, Bravely Default, which ended up selling well all around the world.”[/quote]
Boo? I liked how FFXV looked with its open combat system.