originally posted in:Community Carnage
[quote][b]Make friends. Play games. The Community Carnage is a Seventh Column tradition of game nights and corpse crouching.[/b][/quote]From the League of Legends Website:[quote][url=http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/features/evolution-league-legends-today]The future of League of Legends is Ultra Rapid Fire and the future is right now. Set to go live next preseason, this massive update will help every player make impactful plays at every stage of the game. To give you a taste of this bold vision of the future, we’ve enabled a special preview queue that’ll be live for the next week.[/url][/quote]Yeeaaah, it would pretty much be criminal to not to not host a Community Carnage for this gametype, and so I'm going to get this train wreck a'rollin myself. Please read this thread carefully and follow instructions if you are interested in playing, it will smooth out the registration process :)
[quote][b]Relevant Details[/b][/quote][spoiler][b]1) Game:[/b] [url=http://na.leagueoflegends.com/]League of Legends[/url], NA Server.
[b]2) Date:[/b] Saturday April 5th, 2014, 6:00 PM [url=http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html]PDT[/url].
[b]3) Host:[/b] [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Hylebos/en/View/Profile/index?mid=111662]Hylebos[/url].
[b]4) Game Mode:[/b] [url=http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/features/evolution-league-legends-today]Ultra Rapid Fire[/url] Customs / Matchmaking.
[b]5) Lobby Capacity:[/b] 10 Players per Lobby.
[b]6) Estimated Runtime:[/b] 2 to 3 matches, about One to Two Hours.
[b]7) Skill Level:[/b] Everyone of all experience or skill levels are welcome![/spoiler]
[quote][b]Registration Information, READ CAREFULLY[/b][/quote][quote][b]1)[/b] If you do not already have a League Account, [url=http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4f964f95dcb36656130691]Sign-Up here![/url]
[b]2)[/b] Post your Bungie.net Username and Summoner Name in this thread.
[b]3)[/b] Send a League of Legends Buddy Request to "Hylebosaiden".
[b]4)[/b] Join the Bungie.net Chat Room [url=http://imgur.com/a/bR6uJ](Instructions)[/url][/quote]
[quote][b]Lobby 1 Roster (10 / 10)[/b][/quote][spoiler][b]1)[/b] Hylebos, Summoner Name: Hylebosaiden
[b]2)[/b] Spawn, Summoner Name: Spawnling
[b]3)[/b] Grimstnzborith, Summoner Name: Grokmir the Bold
[b]4)[/b] Lord Commissar, Summoner Name: MrPinata
[b]5)[/b] A Metroid, Summoner Name: aMetroid
[b]6)[/b] Grey Shield, Summoner Name: Grey Shield
[b]7)[/b] Euphorius, Summoner Name: Euphorius
[b]8)[/b] UNDEAD BLU N1NJA, Summoner Name: Super Turnip Man
[b]9)[/b] Yuno, Summoner Name: TheLastZebra
[b]10)[/b] Djano, Summoner Name: Djano [/spoiler]
[quote][b]Substitutes (0 Total)[/b][/quote][spoiler][b]1)[/b] <No Substitutes>[/spoiler]
[quote][b]Miscellaneous Information[/b][/quote][spoiler][b]1)[/b] If all lobbies are full when you register, you will be signed up as a substitute. Please be online around the start of the carnage to fill in for no-shows. If there are enough substitutes I will open up an additional lobby for play, though even if you do not end up filling in you are encouraged to start things with the other substitutes. You can also request to sign up as a substitute if you want.
[b]2)[/b] We'll decide who gets placed in what team once we are all together, chances are we'll have to rebalance between matches.
[b]3)[/b] Apparently Kassadin and Ryze are not deleted in the Customs version of Ultra Rapid Fire, so we should decide as a group whether or not we want to open up that portal to hell.
[b]4)[/b] If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or ideas for future Carnages, feel free to PM me or post them in this thread.[/spoiler]
[quote]Follow the Community Carnage on [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_The-Community-Carnage/en/Groups/Detail?groupId=15287]Bungie.net[/url] | [url=https://www.facebook.com/communitycarnage]Facebook[/url] | [url=https://twitter.com/7rueCarnage]Twitter[/url][/quote]
3 minutes!
Have fun you guys!
One hour left until the Carnage! Make sure to be online a head of time, hopefully my connection is able to hold!
I'll get in if there is still room. My IGN is Djano
This game type is basically super smash in league of legends. Can't wait!
Here, I should be able to join this one. My IGN is TheLastZebra, you already have me added.
10 Hours remaining and we have three slots open folks!
^^ I'm always down for LoL Hyle.
Sorry if I have been slow to update the Lobby Roster, I know that I have many of you on my friend's list and I can easily look up your summoner names, it's just that my Laptop has had problems remembering that it has the capacity to connect to wifi so I have yet to log into League and look them up >_> Hopefully things get resolved by Saturday, if all else fails I should be able to find a way to play League on the school computers to host the Carnage.
Edited by Lord Commissar: 4/2/2014 4:51:12 PMI'lll join up. MrPinata Seriously hoping that this is just a fun April Fools joke though. I heard Dan Green would kill League like he killed WoW, but I didn't think he'd be able to do anything on this kind of scale.
Edited by MongotheDread: 4/2/2014 3:49:56 AMI'm up for it. Grokmir the bold, so you already have me on your friends list :3 And Ryze and Kass should definitely not be allowed.
I'll join
Played a few matches today XD It's pretty extreme when someone gets massively fed
Professional Gameplay of Ultra Rapid Fire.
Sign me up. This mode is a bit crazy though. Ign: GreyShield Bnet: Grey Shield
Wish I could be there! Also, what's wrong with Ryze? I've used him before he didn't seem too overpowered or anything. Mind you I did go like 1-19 that game.
I'm in - Spawnling Isn't it creepy that I got in this thread 1 minute after it was posted and I'm not even on Skype yet?