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Edited by Stark: 4/4/2014 7:02:16 PM

Tale of Two Strangers Chapter 7: A new beginning

Chapter 7: A New Beginning The Last City was bathed in the yellowish warm glow of the sun high in the sky. Small groups of puffy white clouds slowly drifted across the otherwise clear blue sky. The City was alive as it always was, ships bobbing and weaving through the sky, in a hurry to make their deliveries in time. Children big and small played together in and out main streets through the maze of side streets and alleyways laughing and screaming the whole time. Store and vendor stalls were abuzz with activity selling and bartering away their wares to anyone who looks or seems interested. Small dots could be seen moving high on the wall that encompassed the city. From high above the Guardians, the last protectors of the city stood watch.It was a typical day, like any other day in the Last City. Everyone seemed to be oblivious to the old face watching them high above in the Tower. Commander Radcliff seeing enough let the curtain he had gently pushed aside to peer down upon the city fall gently back into place, cutting the only source of light to the room. The Commander turn and made his way to his large oak desk, stopping half way and just standing there as if lost in thought. The Commander was jolted out of his thought by a sharp knock at his door. “Enter,” said the Commander has he made it the rest of the way to his desk falling back into his red leather upholstery chair with little to no grace. The chair could be heard making several cracks and creeks from the sudden new load. Upon hearing the Commanders order to enter the office door open to reveal three warriors clad in armor, each filed into the room one after another taking place in front of the Commanders desk. At the right stood a rather tall but thin man with jet black hair slicked back to reveal his bright green eyes. Unlike the other two this man war nothing more than cloth, but that did nothing to diminish his demeanor. This man was also encased in a dark blue aura or sort with the occasional spark of lightning discharging from it. In the dead silence of the room a very slight humming sound could be heard. In the middle stood another man equally as tall but far superior in muscular build. This man face relieved one of brute strength, various scars littered his face. The most prominent was the one that went from one cheek over the nose to the other cheek. Unlike the one next to him, this one had dark brown eyes, almost black with a clean cut head and light stubble growing around his massive jaw. Not like the man next to him this soldier looked more the part of a warrior ready for battle. This man wore a metal suit that looked like it could take a barrage of damage and then some. The last member on the far left was a good deal shorter than the other two but no less deadly in a fight. Gold blonde hair fell down to this women shoulder was well as along her back. A subtle breeze from the from an open window gently blew her hair to one side. The breeze allowed for a small amount of sunlight to break the darkness of the room. The small amount of light that manage to make it into the room was all that was required to showcase the bright blue eyes of the deadly beauty. The Commander had been scribbling something on a piece of paper before finally looking up to the three guardians standing quietly in his office. A small smile spread across his face as his looked upon his former students. “Its so good to see you all again and in good health, how did the mission go,” inquired the Commander. “About as good as you could of hoped for,” huffed Baldwin. Turning his head slightly towards Baldwin, “ I believe what Baldwin is trying to say is that is as it was reported. The Fallen group spotted near the Black Garden are most certainly searching for something, what that something is, we cannot say. You will have my full report on your desk when I have finished compiling all the information.” finished Nathan. Looking please with this answer the Commander shifted his gaze onto Paige. “Paige do you have anything you wish to add?” “I believe that even the Fallen do not know what they are looking for in the Black Garden. Just from observation there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to their digging methods. They would starting digging in one spot only to up and move to another. The time they spend digging in one spot also varied from just a few hours to several days. All the same though, never finding or recovering anything that would be of any use.” “If you would like we could return to and continue watch over them to make sure nothing is amiss,”stated Baldwin. “No that will not be necessary, if all the Fallen are doing is digging around old ruins and coming up with nothing I can dispatch a regular team to baby sit them for the time being. You three have done a fine job and deserve some rest. I want you all looking your best for the up and coming ceremony I have planned.” “What ceremony sir,” asked Nathan. Growing thirsty the Commander arose from his chair and made his way over to a wooden globe next to the window he had recently been looking out of. The globe seemed like any regular earth globe besides the rather large seam where the equator would be located. The commander pushed a button somewhere around the underside of the globe to reveal a hidden mini whiskey bar. The commander took his time inspecting each bottle, before finally picked one and emptying it bottles ember contents into a small glass. “Where are my manners, would any of you care for a drink as well,” asked the Commander. “No thank you Commander, alcohol dulls the mind and senses, something I'm not to keen on,” stated Nathan. “Im not thirsty either Commander, but thank you for the offer,” said Paige. “If you are offering Commander I would be a fool to say no…” said Baldwin with a smile on this face. Baldwins comments was quickly followed by a loud smack to the back of his head, compliments of Paige. The look in Paige's eyes could of curled wet paper. Baldwin knew better than to voice his displeasure at Paige, it never ended well for him. “On second thought Commander I think I will pass on the drink as well, maybe next time,” said Baldwin with a rather disappointed look on his face this time. “Now what was you ask about the ceremony Nathan,” asked the Commander. Putting both of his hands into the sleeves of his robes, “Yes, about the ceremony. What is the purpose for this event, and why must we three be in attendance?” “For what the event is for I cannot say, that would ruin the surprise, that reminds there will be two other members joining you in this event as well.” Just then another loud knock could be heard coming from the other side of the Commanders office door. “Ah, that must be him, I was beginning to wonder if he had received my message.” The commander swiftly made his way to the door leaving the trio to stand and talk amongst themselves while he let in his newest arrival. The Trio were quietly whispering to one another over what the ceremony could possible be about and who the other two participants would be. The Commander opened the large oak door to reveal a rather striking figure. “Captain Stark, glad to see you got my message and could join us.” said the Commander in a cheery tone. “Yes, I apologies for my lateness Commander Radcliff. I was caught of is several other things when I received your message,” said Stark. “No worries you are here now and that is all that matter, I was just having a nice chat with Nathan, Baldwin, and Paige while I waited on you” Stark titled his head to the side to get a better look at the trio standing in the center of the room, each acknowledging Stark with a simple head tilt. Stark could be seen doing the same. “Where are my manners, come in Stark come in,” insisted the Commander before closing the oak door after Stark had made his way in. Stark made his way and took a spot next to Nathan, acknowledging the trio, they doing the same. The Commander walked over to curtain covered window and proceeded to push them aside to allow the once dim room to now be basked in the warm rays of the high afternoon sun. The new source of light help reveal the many pictures and medals strung out among the room. Some of the medals were difficult to look at due to the blinding glare they were giving off. To his right Stark saw a picture that nearly took his breath. With a slightly trembling hand he picked up the picture that sat on the dusty shelf, wiping away a layer of dust that sat on the picture frame glass. It was a picture of him and his team from all those years ago. Just by looking at the way everyone looked and stood this had to be one of the first if not the first picture they all took together as a new team. They all had that awkward look to them, the took of being in a cramped enclosure with strangers not wanting to be too close to brush up against them kind of look. “Ah, I see you have found a rather old picture have you Stark. I am going to guess by the look on your face you are holding the picture of you and your former team, am I correct in this guessed,” asked the Commander. “Yes, I can’t remember the last time I saw a picture of them. I hate to say it but I had almost forgotten what their faces looked like those many years ago. After the incident I did whatever I could to help forget what happen. I figured if I could forget everything that had happened it would help the pain I felt vanish as well,said Stark. “Did it help at all,” asked the Commander in a somewhat interested tone.

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  • “No it did not in fact. No matter how hard I tried to forget my past it always found a way to creep its way back into my thoughts. I started by either destroying everything that reminded me of them to help with the process, but it was not enough. I would be doing some random task and the thought of them would wander back into my head. No matter the task my mind some how found a way to make a connection to what I was doing at the time and they would pop into my mind.” “ It would seem that your will to hold onto your past was greater than your desire to forget it, it would seem. The bond between you and your team Stark was as strong as it was unique, something like that cannot just easily toss to side and forgotten. Doing that would be a disgraces to all the memories you and your team made while together. It is completely acceptable to mourn for the loss of those you held close to your heart. I would be worried and cautious of any who felt no such thing to such an event. With that said you also need to live enough for all five of you. I can guarantee you that they would hate knowing that you their captain; someone who they all held in high respect spent the rest of his years sorry and sad for what happened. They would want you to go on living your life to the fullest and happiest you could achieve,” said the Commander The room stood in complete silence as everyone soaked in the words the Commander has just spoken. Everyone seemed to be in their own train of thought going over the meaning behind the Commanders wise words. “Even after all these years you are still as brilliant as ever Commander,” said Stark. “I try, it is not as easy as it would seem, being all wise and mystically. Alcohol does help in that department though, helps with the flow of the speech and such, the words just kind of come to me in a rush. I don’t really think about what im saying at the time but it always seems to work out well in the end,” said the Commander. “Commander you said there would be five of us that would be needed to attend this ceremony, with Captain Stark present that makes the count up to four, we are still short one more attendee. Who is the last and final member of this selected group,” asked Nathan in a puzzled tone. “The is true Nathan we are still one member short but do not fret about that small detail, all will become apparent in due time, for now I have a few more formal things to discuss with you four while you are still here,” said the Commander with a slight smirk on his face like that of a child with secrete only he knew. Captain Stark along with Baldwin and Paige now had the same puzzled look across their faces. Who was this finally person going to be. The three could be seen looking down at the floor, slight twitches of the eyes and shaking of their head side to side happened among the three has they tried to figure out of everyone they knew who the possible five member would be. The three eventually gave up on the pursuit of who the finally candidate could be. The Commander had not divulge enough information to help whittle down the possible number of people who would qualify for whatever the Commander had planned. The hours waned on as the Commander continued his discussion on the up and coming ceremony. The sun made its way across the sky as the Commander and the four continued their discussion. The sun was just setting down below the horizon given off its arraying spectrum of oranges, yellows, and purples. The city below was a flood with natural light from the citizens of the Last Cities houses, restaurants, vendor stalls along with the countless street lamps strung throughout the city. Even at night the city did not sleep, he was just as busy if not busier during the night than during the day. The streets were still packed with people going about their shopping, or just out for a night on the town. In the chaotic world they lived it it was always nice to have a little sense of normalness. The Commander could be seen escorting the four out of his office and bidding them a good day. In turn the four returned the notion, and thanking the Commander for his time. The four walked down to the end of the hall together before parting ways, Stark could be seen going left while the trio made a right handed turn. Both parties bid their farewells to each other before disappearing around the corner out of sight of the Commander. The Commander returned to his office and closed the door behind him. The Commander stood for a second in the darkness of his office before making his way back to his desk. Once at this desk the Commander reached to the far side of his desk and light a small kerosene lamp giving him just enough light to fill his desk area with a yellowish glow. From the shadows of the Commanders room he could be seen retrieving something from around his next, a key. The Commander then leaned down to this right and fiddled with the key trying to find the keyhole which was somewhat of a challenge due to the limited light in the room. After a few seconds he managed to find the keyhole and inserted the key. Several clicks and clanks could be heard as the tumblers inside the whole found their correct position. After a hard tug on the handle the drawer came free, inside held countless other medals and rewards, along with a curious little black metal box. The Commander pushed aside the medals and other various awards off to the side so that the he could retrieve the long black box from the drawer. Placing the box on his desk he retrieved the key to the box which was tapped to the underside of it. The Commander then slowly opened to lid to the black box to reveal several military tags inside, four to be precise. Each tag was set on their own silver chain. The Commander carefully pick you each of the four tags and held them in his hand. With a slight twist of his wrist the names on the tags became readable for the first time. Richard, Ashley, Alice, and Chase glowed in the yellowish light of the lamp. “It is almost time my dear students, you all will soon be re-united. I know it has been many years but only a little while longer I promise,” whispered the Commander. A small tear could be seen forming up in the corner of Commander Radcliff's right eye. With a single blink the tear rolled down the Commanders face and settled at the base of his chin. After several minutes of staring at the tags the Commander gently returned them to their box and back into the drawer. The Commander then reach over to the small lamp and extinguished the yellow flame inside plunging the room into darkness.

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