Did any one else get the feels while playing through this game? If so at what point did you get the feels?
You only get the feels if you've played the first two games, cuz everyone you know starts dying. I personally saved everyone except Mordin (that song he sang tho) and thane, because if in the first two games you do specific stuff in tali's and legion quest line, you can save both of them, even though legion loses his body and becomes part of the collective memory. I think I have about 60-70 hrs in mass effect, about half as much what I have in both dark souls, and like 1/50 as much in all the halos.
Legion, Mordin, Thane, Tali(if she dies) and most of all Shepard in the synthesis option, that music.
Yeah, i got the feels if it's awfulness course through my veins.
Stopped playing around the time you find Jacob at the research base, and just have never picked up the game since. I never really got any feels, but then again I don't really feel. inb42edgy4me
Yeah, the citadel DLC. Thanes funeral. >.>
I swear this is a scar that'll never heal. But from what I can remember... Legion, Mordin, shooting Hudina in the face face face.
Mordin Legion " does this unit have a soul?"
Just some rage at the end.
Not at all.
The only "feels" The Rock got from Mass Effect 3 was this.
The feels overwhelmed me when I sided with the Geth and Legion sacrificed himself to save his kind.
When Mordin died in the explosion at the Shroud and watching Thane's vid messages in the Citadel DLC. I don't really like Thane that much, it's just his hopefulness of communicating with Shepard and knowing he's already dead. It's like listening to a dead friend's voice mail. ;____;