What I find wrong is that for all of the crimes the Soviet Union committed, no one says anything.
Edited by A Metroid: 4/7/2014 6:39:17 PMThey should be. [spoiler]I'm a bit biased on this though.[/spoiler]
No. It's funny, they're constantly reminded of this history despite having paid for their crimes extensively, and then we have Japan, who is very rarely reminded of their crimes.
Have Jews been forgiven for killing the Christian Jesus?
Yes, history is history, there's no way to change it, we can only improve it. inb4Tardis inb4DeLorean
Yes, of course.
Yes, there is no reason to hold a grudge against a country for events that happened 75 years ago. Any of the N@zis from those days still alive are either rotting away in jail or are senile and living on a farm in south america.
I would say so. The only [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] these days are either edgies or rednecks. Or edgy rednecks.
My grandfather and grandmother are German and just moved to the states just before the war. My grandfather knew how bad Germany had fallen and joined the infantry core for the American army, but he made sure that no matter what he would be a paper runner in the back lines rather then in the front and kill one of his own countrymen. My grandmother even gave me a sniper rifle my Grandfather received from his commander who processed a captured German soldier who had hidden out in a barn for a long period of time. So yes even we feel some of the pain even now from that war. Not from others but from the fall of our home nation.
Sure. It's not like the people who live there now are responsible for anything. And anyone who was involved is either dead or incarcerated.
I'd say the world has forgiven them, and now they and everyone alike has to deal with the shit happening in the Middle East.
Edited by Meta Cognition : 4/7/2014 8:31:43 PM
Started a new topic: My German teacher's grandpa fought for the N@zis(12 Replies))
I can't believe World War II was almost 80 years ago.
Edited by Pahat Pojat: 4/7/2014 12:57:15 PMI have no reason to dislike them. Except I don't understand why you can get jailed in Germany if you raise your arm at 45 degree.
Forgiven? The German people were forgiven nearly instantly after the war. West Germany had billions and billions of dollars poured into it in order to rebuild and industrialize. Their laws about fascist speech and national socialist icons is a self imposed thing, as they haven't forgiven themselves. I don't think they should. The world would be a much better place if the guilt of a nation's past was put into law.
No, they haven't because when I was talking talking to my dad asked him the same thing. He said that fine and that they had changed from their evil ways. My Papa on the other hand fought the Germans and said that they should not be forgivien.I go with my dad on that one though.
I certainly know that I wouldn't want to be punished for something my great-great-grandparents did decades before I was born, so I'm pretty certain the last two or three generations of Germans should be, at least.
I guess, but I find it ridiculous when people say "it wasn't all of Germany, it was Hitler and the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url]". Bullshit. The whole country was part of the war effort, and even those that objected still turned a blind eye, meaning they were as culpable.
I HAVE FORGIVEN THEM. NOT ALL OF THEM WERE [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url].
Well comrade, I believe this will answer all of your questions.
they're still not allowed to have a military...
If Poland is willing to buy their tanks, then I'm sure there's no harsh feelings left.
Yes it wasn't the German people it was the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] party
>Implying the people in charge now were responsible for what happened
Looks like they paid enough to me
Edited by Demigod: 4/7/2014 5:42:37 PMI find it funny how Germany likes to pretend the whole Hitler business never happened.