You weren't loyal to them, they could only develop games for you. There's a difference. Playstation is a new crowd that have never played a Bungie game. Makes sense and I'm happy they're doing this
Im from the sony comunity and i've played lost of bungies games lol belive me we've expierenced them and they were nothing to die for but now ever since i've seen destiny i've had high hopes and to ns of respect for bungie. To go from making a fps to a mmo sfps is what i've been waiting for. Now that its out on ps4 isa huge franchize expanding move and im on thes system i like anda m comfortable with. You should be happy for bunngie and the gaming comunity.
Im getting Destiny on PS3 and I played Halo on PC :P So the statement that the PS crowd have never played a bungie game is invalid. Also wasn't there that Bungie game ported over by Gearbox?