Just released! [b]EDIT:[/b] Album of [b]all stills[/b] for your viewing pleasure. (Edited versions to come.) [url]http://imgur.com/a/LHnKt[/url] [b]UPDATE:[/b] New Album of [b]all [i]cropped[/i] stills[/b] for your better viewing pleasure. [url]http://imgur.com/a/xE3Il[/url] Bungie posted my album on their Facebook page! [url]https://www.facebook.com/Bungie/posts/10152052885451149?stream_ref=10[/url] And Tweeted it! [url]https://twitter.com/Bungie/status/453670460643762176[/url]
Well shit. What a time to have a class, and what a time to procrastinate on an assignment till the hour after that class, and what a time to have the class that said assignment is due in after that. Damn it damn it damn it. Thank you for sharing this, I'll make sure to watch it... later.