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So, a teacher of mine who used to teach me German in High School once told us about her grandpa, who fought for the [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url]s. She said how he was "forced to go and fight", and how he died at the hands of the Soviets.
I can't help but think to myself, what is the likelihood that this is just historical revisionism? Something tells me her grandpa fought willingly.
On a similar topic, do Germans feel guilty about the Holocaust?
Not as bad as the revisionist history the French practice. Little known facts: When the Germans crossed the French Borders, the French already had their Jews in camps ready for deportation. Some were already on trains aimed east. More people claim to have been active members in the French Resistance than were in France during the occupation. While it was one of the largest, percentage wise, it held the least number of people per capita than just about any country. And it was no where near as effective as the Dutch.