Just released! [b]EDIT:[/b] Album of [b]all stills[/b] for your viewing pleasure. (Edited versions to come.) [url]http://imgur.com/a/LHnKt[/url] [b]UPDATE:[/b] New Album of [b]all [i]cropped[/i] stills[/b] for your better viewing pleasure. [url]http://imgur.com/a/xE3Il[/url] Bungie posted my album on their Facebook page! [url]https://www.facebook.com/Bungie/posts/10152052885451149?stream_ref=10[/url] And Tweeted it! [url]https://twitter.com/Bungie/status/453670460643762176[/url]
Now that they explained customization options for the three classes, I have no idea which to pick. They're all equally appealing.