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originally posted in:The Black Garden
Edited by Eterteeter: 5/16/2014 1:36:15 AM

Fluke Episode 5: The Switch Up

Fluke Episode 5: The Switch Up A slow day for honest work, the thought of it made Alton yawn rather loudly. He took his hands off the steering controls and stretched his arms, a satisfying crack from his back cleared his conscious as the perfect idea came to mind. He got up out of the pilot's seat and began walking towards the back of his ship, [i]The Celeritaren[/i]. He called back to Halley to continue flying the ship, she happily continued to hum a catchy tune while guiding the ship towards the City. He reached the small cabin and climbed into his assigned cot. [i]A quick nap should pass the time.[/i]he thought. However, he did not expect to hear rampant voices going at each other. They got louder as the seconds rolled on by, the content still unclear. The loud talks escalated into shouting and by the time Alton finally closed his eyes, a distinct shout woke him right up. "Oh its on now! If this isn't very important, why won't you bet anything!?" Alton sighed, his best chance for sleep was now tossed out the window like garbage. He quickly got up and stretched again until his achy bones cracked. He began the even shorter trot to the living space in the back of the ship, the shouting surprisingly silenced for awhile. It was a lovely space that contained everything his fireteam would ever need and then some. The small living area came complete with plush black couches and chairs, a plainly decorated kitchen, and Alton's favorite refrigerator. The door slid by and Alton came face to face with the root of his sleeping dilemma. His two friends were sitting at the round table, each with a different drink in hand. Melody waved to him while Darian nodded towards the fridge. Alton grabbed his favorite thirst quencher, a sweet liquid that was consider a child's drink, and sat down at the table. "What is it this time? I'm trying to sleep before we reach the City." Alton spoke before taking a slip of his drink. "I'm sorry that Darian's loud mouth is hindering your sleep. You can go rest easy if you want, I'll make sure he keeps it down." Mel's tone rose sternly towards the end, she wasn't too happy this time around. Alton shrugged his shoulders and got up, but Darian pulled at his ragged coat. "Oh no, you're staying here. I need your help to prove a point to this knucklehead right here." Darian darted his eyes towards Melody, who rolled hers. Alton sighed once again and sat back down at the table. "Let me guess, weapon technique?" Alton blandly asked. He was getting a little annoyed at their daily arguments about petty matters, it prompted him to wonder how they even became friends in the first place. Maybe Alton was a buffer for them, just like how the Traveler is to the Earth and her enemies. They both shook their heads at his guess and went back to yelling at each other. "Just do it already! Prove your point!" "I don't have to prove anything to you!" Alton threw up his hands and the arguing guardians ceased their heated fire. "You first Melody." Alton pointed to her, she devilishly smiled. "Can you believe that this guy, [i]this guy right here[/i], thinks he can do my job better than me? Him, a deadly agent of stealth and precision?" Melody hysterically questioned Alton, who sipped his drink nonchalantly. "Out of all the things to disagree on and he bashes me on how 'easy' my job is." Darian made a quick face before responding. "Shooting from a distance and taking short cuts to higher ground, you can't deny how simple that is. You would never make a good Titan, someone of your like could never dominate their enemies like I can." Darian's last sentence came out as a whisper for fear of Melody's wraith. He was right to be afraid but the Huntress had ever so sensitive hearing, even Alton understood this. It was pretty obvious that a Hunter has fine hearing, but this was Darian they were taking about. "With that big mouth of yours, you wouldn't last a day in my shoes!" she shouted. "Well you wouldn't last a few hours in mine!" he barked back. "Forget a day, more like a couple minutes!" Alton watched as the two went at each other, it was a much better show than watching the open plains of the Wasteland. He continued to gulp down his drink as his friends completely forget his existence. Hal eventually joined the conversation once the ship was running stably on autopilot. "What are they yelling about this time, weapon techniques?" Hal confusingly asked. "Ha, that's what I thought at first. No, they are fighting over whose role is harder ." Alton replayed to the AI. "You know? Instead of fighting with words, maybe they should prove it on the battlefield." Hal suggested, which made Alton smile. "Don't encourage them, Halley." "Great idea!" the two yelled at Alton and Hal. The spectators sunk lower as Melody and Darian began to set conditions for a bet. After the two competitors finished whispering, they returned to the group conversation. "Mel and I have decisided to switch roles for the time being. First one to call it quits is the looser." Darian excitingly said, the both of them shook their heads. Hal could be heard clapping in the backround while Alton quickly sat up in his chair. "If I win, you have to keep your mouth shut for a whole week. And if you win, I'll-" Melody couldn't think of a reasonable penalty. "You'll have to watch as Alton buys me dinner at that restaurant we like so much. Did I mention that you can't have a single bite?" Darian's smirk was as wide as ever, enough so that could have blocked the whole sun if even possible. "WHAT!?" Alton and Melody said in unison. Alton waved his hands about and shook his head, "Why do I have to pay? You got glimmer to spare!" It was already too late. Like sleep, Alton's comment was ignored as the two shook hands. Hal sounded very excited from her end of the table. "The deal is set in stone, no turning back now. O' goody, I can't wait to see who wins. Ohhh I just love watching a good challenge." Alton sighed a final time because his empty glass was missing the color liquid. Skipping the refill, Alton left the conversation table with a smile. Again, it wasn't for the reason that his friends expected. [i]Finally, I can get some sleep.[/i] He happily thought as he climbed back into bed. _______________________________________ Two days had passed since the two eager beavers made their bet and Alton couldn't be anymore happier to see who would come out on top. He had been searching for the perfect assignment that would test their new found powers and luckily, he found something that would suffice. He waited in the busy hanger bay for his friends to appear, but the both of them were running unusually late. Midas had shown up minutes earlier to keep him company, he currently inspected [i]The Celritaren[/i] while Alton sat patiently for his teammates. The watch on Alton's wrist gear chimed, it was well pass show time. Darian was the first to show, but his appearance was slight altered on a grand scale. Alton began chuckling to himself as his muscular friend wore the clothing and cloak of a professional Hunter. The torn cloth was faded and held together by bands of straps, many little pouches lined the old material. Small plates of a dark metallic like color covered the mounds of fabric. A ravaged cloak concealed most of his body, but enough of it was behind him to make it look as though he was wearing a large cape. Around his back was a sniper of about average size with a long scope, while a small hand cannon hung at his waist. He took off his hood and carefully removed the helmet that protected his face, underneath was a frown that Alton found more hilarious. "Did she put you up to this?" Alton jokingly asked. Darain's frown turned into a smirk. "Yeah, but she had to give up a little ground as well." Darian rolled his eyes as Midas came out laughing from the bottom of the ship. "Would you like to join in on this bet?" Midas shook his head, "No no, I got better things to do today. I-" "Let's get this over with." a familiar voiced appeared and along with it came a slender woman in a full suit of metal armor. All three men stood frozen in place as Melody walked up to them. Just like Darian, she saw her altered appearance as an understatement. Protective armor plating clung to her body, their colors were a mix of a bright sky blue with dark silver and black highlights. A small cape half the length of her legs was attached to her hip as well as a large pouch. One large strap went across her chest and around the back side was a massive machine of some sorts, her hands held a machine gun that was ready to cater the masses. Her helmet was latched on the other side of her hip, it's T-shaped visor shined brightly in the sun along with her face and tied up hair. "Take it in boys, one time show only." "'s get going, shall we?" Alton managed to spew out. They entered the prepped ship without haste and immediately left the hanger bay in a hurry, leaving Midas there to wave back at a trail of exhaust. [b]Continues Below[/b]

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  • Edited by Eterteeter: 4/8/2014 11:57:46 PM
    Gathered around the round table, the three guardians lazily sat and conversed on irrelevant matters. Halley had the the ship on auto which allow her to join them in her ghost form. The conversation grew quiet once the final word was spoken and the group relaxed in their chairs. Their destination was on Earth but the time was taking much longer than Alton anticipated, even with the newly installed thrusters. His mind painted a beautiful picture of Dreamland and a certain someone, but Hal's frantic motions focused his thoughts. "We got an emergency Alton!" she shouted. Alton sat up in his seat, as did his friends who were done cautiously eyeing each other's new armor. "What's wrong, are we under attack?" "No, there seems to be an incoming signal from the objective. It's an S.O.S signal, from a local fireteam!" "Darn, those guardians beat us to the fun." Darian sounded a little glum. "Looks like it's a rescue operation now. How much longer till we reach the Fallen camp?" Melody asked. Hal fell silent as she began calculating an answer. "About twenty miles due west. I suggest you gear up, the place looks to be on heavy lockdown from here." "Roger. Let's move everybody, we got guardians that need saving." Alton bolted out of his seat and went straight for the armory, his hands grabbed the first two weapons he could get his hands on. A submachine gun and a simple hand cannon were strapped on as he reached the hatch at the back of the ship. His friends joined him with weapons of their own and with synced precession, the three jumped out of the hovering ship and landed directly inside the main yard of the Fallen base. The four armed creatures were stunned as the dust settled, revealing three energized guardians who were inching for a fight. The group quickly spread apart in different directions as the Fallen began to mobilize. Taking cover behind a transportation ship, Alton steadied his breathing and took aim at a couple unsupecting Dregs. They were dispatched in a matter of half a mag from the small machine gun. He took aim again at three others whose attention was focused on something behind a pair of crates. He started to pulled the trigger, but a cloak figure did the work for him. He wielded the clunky sniper rifle, expect he was using it more as a scooped shotgun than a high powered rifle. He blew through his ammo and had to find cover, his attack had failed to kill any of the enemies. Alton know who it was and shook his head seeing as his friend was hanging on to his own ways. With his attention on the klutzy Hunter, he didn't notice the Fallen hierarchy behind him. "Alton, look out!" he heard Melody's voice as she rammed into the creature with the force of her armor and the butt of her machine gun. Landing on top of the beast, she fired her own fiery and killed it in seconds. The gun kept spaying as the tigger happy Titan tried to control it's recoil. Alton threw his hands over his head and ducked down further into the ground. She finally silenced the machine gun and got to her feet. Rushing back out into the fray, she mauled down a cluster of Fallen soldiers and appropriately pulled back once her weapon clicked empty. "That's how you do it, Darian." "Says you." Dariam shouted back. She tipped the scales by her display of brutish strength but Darian was not about to loose their bet. He knocked heads with the scared Fallen whose shots missed their mark. He reached higher ground and leveled his rifle on the edge of a railing. The trigger was pulled several times in an effort to save a dazed Alton from assaulting Dregs. They fell down cold right as other cannon folders attempted to strike him on his ground. A slim combat knife flipped in the air and Darian grabbed it, first blood came with a stabbed the in chest of the first foot soldier. Kicking it's body into the incoming soldiers, Darian slipped through and guilefully stabbed the remaining ones. "How's that?" Both Alton and Melody were snickering once the stealthy marauder dropped down to their location. The Fallen within the area were no more, most had been slaughtered by their carefree enemies. The lucky few who escaped hid inside a sealed complex protected by a large door. It was Melody's turn once again, she stepped forward and pulled the large contraption off her back. She went down on one knee and aimed the device, it began to charge up with a frightening buzzing noise. The men stood back as the weapon fired, it projected a glowing bolt of energy. The speeding stream of charged voltage collided with the door and ate away at the weak metal on contact while streaks of light flickered the yard. The smoke cleared and the metallic door sported a new rugged hole. Melody stood up and tossed the machine off of her back while the men stood in awe of her awesome power. "A Railgun?" Darian asked. "Mini Particle Accelerator, I got it from a special someone." Melody passionately replied with her index finger pointed high and mighty. "No fair! What's the score now judge?" "Seems tied to me, though I'm leaning towards Mel." Alton received a shoulder punch from Darian as they rushed into the facility. The space was much smaller than the three originally thought, but it was still a big room. Dim lights barely lit up the place, in their hollowed light were shadows of a small ship and box filled with scrap metal. All the remaining Fallen were nowhere to be found in what Alton identified as a ship hanger. The group walked around until they found an open door, they could hear the patter of footsteps further down the hall. They sped after the sounds with both Melody and Darian racing for the lead, their syncorization was spot on as they rushed to keep up with their enemies. At the end of the hall stood another open door which made Darian smirk at the though that the Fallen must have hated closed doors. They found themselves in a room lite by the surge of crackling lights. A continuous thumping noise came from three large pillars that acted as power generators. But the biggest prize was at the base of the structure. Three small figures were tied up to the thing while a mass of Dregs armed a device on the generators. Darian took the first shot this time around, missing all of the enemies but striking the ties that bounded the figures. They got to their feet and began causing a commotion while Alton's group supported from the door. The Fallen were murdered in great numbers, their only exit was blocked by precise machine gun fire. Within mere minutes, all was quiet as the two groups met up at the device. Foreign symbols changed by second and the two groups were stumped on what to do about it. One of the cloaked men went to the device and began inspecting, but shook his head once he heard the distinct ticking. "It's a bomb, their going to blow up their own facility!" he shouted while getting up and facing everyone else, "I can try to disarm it, but my arm is injured. It may take some time." "Don't try Matthews, let's just leav-" The Exo Hunter stopped once a slick blade pierced his abdomen. From out the shadows emerged Fallen Captains who seemed pretty pissed off by the impending destruction of their base. More began to swing their electric blades, but the other guardians barely dodged them. Alton pulled out his hand cannon but it was whipped out of his hands by Captian, three more blades suddenly came crashing down. A sharp fizzle glided past the beast, barely even skinning it's armor. Two more shots, two more misses. Alton looked back and saw his friend trying his best to properly shoot his sniper rifle, but he throw it down to the ground. "Forget this!" Darian yelled as he struck the Captain in the jaw with a angry fist. The creature barreled into the others and the guardians began their timely escape, the timer on the bomb was nearing it's final seconds. The other guardians were injured and thus, had a harder time keeping up with Alton's group. A hand forcefully grabbed onto Matthews' lower leg, he fell to the ground and began trying to pick himself up. Alton tried to reach out to the fallen guardian but something was pulling him against his will. "Come on Alton!" Alton heard the voice as it pulled him away. Matthews disappeared into the darkness of the generator room, a menacing scream was the last thing the guardian manage to say. They escaped the base with little time, Hal had landed [i]Celeritaren[/i] in the courtyard and everyone piled in. The ship took off instantly as an explosion of intense light engulfed the base, the place was leveled to a nothing but a smoldering crater. The blue sky helped to relax the tense feelings with the ship, but the events continuously harassed the crew. The other two members of the surviving fireteam rested in the infirmary while Alton's group quietly grieved over the loss of a guardian. Bittersweet the bet was, Alton felt a little sick to his stomach at their actions. Darian rested his feet on the table and relaxed, Melody on the other hand sat still with her arms crossed. Hal eventually joined them, even she could not offer up any friendly comments. "Poor Titan. At least he had a true hero's death." Darian said. The others nodded in agreement. "I could have saved him if I picked up that sniper rifle." Melody commented, she seemed to take the death the hardest at the three of them and now the others knew why. "Don't get too hard on yourself. We did destroy the base and saved those two other guardians. I guess was fun while it lasted." Alton shrugged his shoulders, which caught the attention of his friends. [b]Little tiny bit left[/b]

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