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originally posted in: Art Hub
4/10/2014 4:03:55 PM
Part 3 [spoiler]"Brendus you have to get out of here! The ice isn't going to hold!" He looked down briefly, before he pushed with all his might. "Aye, I ain't going anywhere laddy!" The ice beneath them cracked further, and Brendus roared into his comms as he lifted with everything he had, and watched as the crane lifted, an inch, and then two. Davidson scrambled out from under the crane, or tried to, when all of a sudden Brendus let go. The crane shuddered from the impact of falling ice over top of it, and in the final strain, the ice began to break. With his last option, Davidson shoved Brendus, HARD, and only had a moment to glimpse him. "You tell my kids and my wife, I love them!" The ice broke under Davidson, and as Brendus scrambled to his feet to try and help, Davidson fell into the void as the ice fractured and thunder rolled over them. The fall went on forever, as all faded to black, and Davidson lost sight of Brendus and the alien sky up above. Davidson's eyes fluttered open slowly, as he slowly began to look at the world around him. He looked at his visor, to the warning lights and flashing signs displayed across it. His suit was damaged, but intact. He looked out to the world beyond, to nothing. There was solid blackness. Davidson waved his hand in front of him, and found that he could, at least move. But he didn't even see his hand. He spoke into his comms, and got static as a reply. Davidson looked up, and saw nothing. He was surrounded by it. He moved his legs, and found that they moved slow and sluggishly. And now that he moved his arms, he felt it too. He was underwater..... He looked at the various signs displayed on his visor once again. The suit had taken a beating, but now that he was underwater, he needed to change things. He spoke, somewhat panicked. "Suit, uh, change to underwater operations." Various functions came on in his suit, and then, suddenly, he had light. It was weak, and from what he could tell, one of the lenses on the suit was broken, but it was better than nothing. He looked at the gauges for his suit. He was under an enormous amount of pressure right now. There was literally at least well over 10 miles of ice pressing down on the water he was in right now. And he was on the ocean floor. His pressure gauges were flashing warning lights. His oxygen was good, and could filter the water. He'd be fine there. But his suit only had enough food for maybe two days at the most. And he had no clue where he was. If he had drifted all the way down here, he might have even been picked up by currents. But what was troubling, was the power. His suit only had a limited amount of power. Davidson pushed himself up in the sand, and looked around. He was a dead man if he tried to go anywhere. But, he was a dead man if he waited too. What could he do? He took deep breathes, trying desperately to stave off panic. His only chance was to wait. If he went in a random direction, he might be traveling farther away. With a deep breath in the goo like water of his suit, he spoke calmly. "Suit, power down non-essential functions. Transmit a beacon on the suit's power. Turn off lights, disable HUD. Turn off all joints and motorized movement functions. Keep only vital systems going." Davidson watched as the world outside his visor vanished, the interface on his visor did as well, and he could no longer move his suit without immense effort. He stayed still, laying on the bottom of the ocean floor, transmitting a beacon, hoping against hope it would break through the ice, or anything. He let his head rest against the padding of his suit, and laid back. Now he waited. It was all he could do. 1 Day Later Davidson hummed himself a song in the goo of his suit, trying to pass the time, and the growing fear that nothing was coming. He could hardly sleep in the night, assuming he even knew what time it was. Every now and then he had to turn the power to his joints back on, because he was cramped after staying in the same position all day and night. When he tried to sleep, he could feel even his heavy suit rocking in the currents as he sat in the sand, and it unsettled him. He was thinking about his family, his wife, son and daughter. What he wouldn't give to see them right now. He was afraid. And then, there were phases were he was sad, depressed to the point of crying. But nothing helped. He was down here. And no one was coming. He was going to die down here, hundreds of light years away from them, on a ball of ice. Davidson sat in the darkness of the ocean, keeping his eyes closed. It was more comforting that way. At least he was warm and well insulated. As far is things were concerned, he was in relative comfort, except for light. But he was immobile. Thoughts turned to the surface, as he wondered what was going on up top. Surely Brendus and the others were searching. Devski was a machine, a very powerful intelligence. They would find him. They had to. He sighed. Who was he kidding? He was going to die down here from starvation. He opened his eyes to the dark world beyond, and suddenly he squinted his eyes. That wasn't possible. He had to hallucinating. He looked out into the blackness, to a single dot of light. Small, but still light. That had to be somebody. If anyone was crazy enough to jump after him, it would be Brendus. Davidson powered up his suit, and kept himself focused on the light. He had to go before he lost it. Davidson pushed himself up from the sand, and with one step, then two, he went towards it. He was like a moth to a flame, drawn to this one little flicker amidst the dark. He started building up a better pace now, and slowly at first, the light grew stronger, as he got closer. And now, the light was beginning to grow brighter. He was moving as fast as he could manage, breaking into a sweat as he tried to run, huffing and laughing as he got closer, the light stronger. And then, as the light seemed its brightest, it was gone. Snuffed out, leaving Davidson in darkness. He sunk to his knees, and activated his comms. "Brendus! Devski! Hello is anyone there! I'm here, you passed me! I'll turn my lights on so you can see me!" Davidson activated the lights, looking out ahead of him. His eyes only had a stark few seconds to realize what they were seeing, before in a flash, it exploded into motion and vanished in the dark. Davidson gasped in shock, and turned out his lights. He stayed stone still in the darkness, as some great fear washed over him. There couldn't be anything down here. There was only simple sea life in these oceans. But what he saw couldn't be possible. He didn't see much, but it was enough to convince him that what he saw was real. He stayed still, that primal fear running through him as he scanned the dark ocean in a panic, when suddenly, the light appeared again. But it wasn't far away. It was close, but dim. And as Davidson peered at it through his suit, ice ran through his veins as he started to make out the details. He was staring into the eyes of something. Something that could stare back at him, and was intelligent enough to realize that it was staring at something strange, something new. Davidson squinted as he tried to make out something, anything. He was deathly afraid, but he watched, as something, from another world, an alien life form, peered through the wall of protection that was his suit, straight into his eyes. He couldn't make out much, but it had some kind of form. It was ghostly, like a shimmer in the water, but he could make out its eyes. They were large, larger than his to be sure, and had the faintest glow to them. They were black, pure solid black, but he could tell, that they blinked through both vertical and horizontal eyelids. He was shaking in his suit, but compelled by some force. He activated his suit's comms to external, and spoke, taking a hushed breath as he uttered the simple word. "Hello?" He didn't know why he did it, but the response startled him, and in the briefest moment, he saw something that he truly had no words for. In a dazzling flash of colour, the being before him flashed dazzling lines of blue. They ran down its veins, all across its ghostly transparent body, flashing for the briefest moment. He couldn't make out any more details, but the lights that filled his eyes were burned into his memory. And then, as the eyes peered at him, a transparent, fragile hand was placed against the glass of his visor. It was slim and sleek, but had five fingers, just like a Human. Through its skin he could see something that looked like retractable spikes embedded at the tip of its fingers, when his suit suddenly began flashing warnings. He was brought back into reality, as the warning signs flashed on the visor. Davidson panicked, as the "Breach Imminent" flashed in red on the screen. The thing was opening his suit! He activated power to the joints in a panic and flailed his arms slowly, desperately trying to get the thing away from his suit, but as the siren became blaring and the screen flashed, words of text scrolled across his screen, as the emergency cyrostasis was activated. Davidson screamed as his suit was opened to the crushing depths of the ocean, and then, there was nothing.[/spoiler]

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