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originally posted in: Art Hub
4/10/2014 4:06:21 PM
Part 5 [spoiler]"Aye then laddy, welcome to the ocean shift! If ye thought that up top was something, wait until ye get sight of this!" The doors to the elevator opened, revealing an entire new world to Davidson's eyes, as the crew stepped out onto the sandy ocean floor. 2 Years Later Davidson worked the controls on his rig, cutting vast swaths of sand up into the water, which was then captured and filtered through by the complicated systems of the machine he drove. He looked out to the ocean beyond, which, although dark, was illuminated but a vast forest of bright glowing, luminescent plant life, alien sea life, and ocean vents. The sight never got old for Davidson. There was every colour of the rainbow down here, with vast plant life growing in abundant quantities in the oxygen rich waters, and titanic sea life which made his own home world and Humanity's ancient world look like household pets. Above that sat the eternal ceiling of ice, which reflected and captured all the amazing lights, causing them to dance across the surface in a display of ever changing colours, weaving in and out with each other. Davidson checked on the signs of the other crew members as they all traveled at relatively the same pace along their projected courses. He brought up Brendus's comms and spoke. "Hey Brendus, nice day as usual down here right?" There was a short delay before Brendus patched in. "Aye, would hope so after last night! Ye had a pretty nasty chat with yer wife! What's the matter?" "She wants me to come home. She says we can do with what I've made. But I don't think so. I've been watching the accounts. They're spending it faster than I can make it." "That's to be expected laddy. Ye aren't there when she needs ye. And same for yer wee ones. Ye've been on the job for 3 years now. 3 years is a long time for yer wife to wait for ye." "That's what I told her before I left. It was her idea. I told her she'd miss me." "Aye laddy. S' not about who's right and wrong. Ye never argue with the womenfolk on this matter. Yer not there, she's lonely. End of the tale." "She'll just have to wait a bit longer. I'll be home soon. And you can bet I'll be coming back in one piece too. You say this job is the most dangerous on the base. So far it's been easy sailing, more than the ice cracking ever was!" Brendus laughed over the comms. "Aye, that was beginner's bad luck laddy. When things go wrong down here, s' a right big mess." "We'll have to wait and see won't we?" "Aye laddy, that we will." Brendus laughed deeply once more, as they continued forwards on their rigs, harvesting the rich minerals from the sand. 1 Year Later Davidson sat in silence, clutching himself closely as he replayed the video, over and over. He received some mail from and odd address, and opened it up in the cafeteria to watch. Everybody wanted to know who it was, and upon finding out who and what it was from, the cafeteria quickly emptied out, and now, Davidson sat here in silence, rocking on his chair back and forth, shaking. He heard footsteps behind him, but didn't care. It was only when his friend placed a mighty hand on his shoulder, and spoke quietly. "Aye. I'm sorry, Davidson." Davidson stuttered out, a lump in his throat. "It's not your fault." Brendus was quiet for a time, watching as Davidson replayed the video, over and over. "It's mine. I didn't go back. I should have gone back. But I stayed. I stayed here, for, for, nothing! And now they're gone!" "Ye can't blame yerself. Yer wife left ye 9 months ago. She took yer kids. She and her boyfriend were driving together." "But if I'd left sooner, this wouldn't have happened." "And ye would have come home without a penny in yer name. It would have been the same outcome." " kids.... OH GOD MY KIDS!!!!" Davidson lapsed into another fit of weeping, and was unresponsive to Brendus. Brendus stared out from his bushy face at the video which looped constantly. It was the last recording of Davidson's kids. His wife, and her new partner, were recording them before they left their home. It looked to him like some holiday was happening, and they were taking the kids out somewhere. As the footage played, Davidson's ex-wife was recording them in the vehicle, their smiles and excitement for where they were going, and then the footage suddenly went black, only to start over once more. This was the point at which their vehicle had been smashed into by a carrier. The car was literally torn to shreds in the air and its remains plummeted for over a mile down to the streets below. No one survived. Brendus watched the footage over once more, before he turned away. He gripped Davidson's shoulder tight, before walking off to leave him in peace. The man needed to be alone right now. And he understood that more than most.[/spoiler]

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