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originally posted in: Art Hub
4/10/2014 4:16:50 PM
Part 11 [spoiler] Time passed by shortly, and, like the blink of an eye, so too was this moment. Her body created a small bundle of eggs, which then ejected itself and began to float away. But she reached out, grasping the little bundle in her hand before she cradled it, looking up to Davidson. She held up her hand once more, as the last lights of her body flickered, beginning to fade. Davidson was quick to reach out, and made the connection. It was as painful as before, as images flooded his mind, but he kept his grip on her slender hand. She was showing him what he needed to do. Everything they would need to be safe, and to prosper. He nodded his head with some effort, showing that he understood. The connection was broken as she slipped away, but the intent was clear. Those last images conveyed her thoughts. "Sing to them. Keep them safe. Show them the sky beyond." Davidson watched as the last of her lights went out, and she drifted, motionless in the water. The small bundle of luminous eggs drifted freely from her grasp, to which Davidson quickly reached out to, grabbing them gently, watching as they sparked and lit up to his touch. He smiled, before taking one last look at the still being in the waters. He spoke, even though it would go unheard, a final gesture to the beautiful creature. "Thank you." Davidson trudged his way up the icy pathway, to the world above, as the morning light of Tarkaven greeted him. As he neared the top of the great tunnel, Brendus was already rushing over to him. "Aye, by the bloodied stones, I thought ye'd died down there!" He held out his hand, helping Davidson up out of the hole. "Did ye find what ye were lookin' for down there?" Davidson opened up a compartment on his suit, and slid out a small circular container, showing the small luminescent bundle of eggs. "I did. I found my reason." Even through the suit's visor, Davidson could see Brendus's face. "Aye, by the star of me home world! What is that?" Davidson stood up. "The last of something. The last of its kind." Brendus looked at the jar, watching the bundle of eggs float about. "What are ye going to do with that?" Davidson stretched his arm wide, up to Genlaic and its little star, to all the little points of light beyond. "Show them what's out there. Take care of them while they look for a new home." Devski's voice suddenly cut through the comms, interrupting things. "And what makes you think you will get off of this world, Mr. Davidson, when you have so clearly breached multiple rules and regulations for both this company, and interspecies contact protocols?" Brendus cut in. "Aye, we talked about this you an me!" Devski responded in kind. "I claimed that I would wait for Mr. Davidson to return while I sent the others home. I said nothing of what would happen once he arrived topside." Davidson cut in now, sliding the container back into the safety of his suit. "You can't take them away! I'm the only one that knows anything about them! I'm in charge of keeping them safe!" Devski was about to respond when he suddenly was beset with a fit of static. Silence filled the comms as both Davidson and Brendus looked at each other. Devski suddenly spoke once more, his tone calm as always. "Apologies gentlemen. I now understand the situation. If you would be so kind as to return to the base, you may leave, and receive payment in return now that your contract is completed." Brendus held his arms out in protest. "Aye, what the hell is this Devski?" "I am obliged to stay silent. But you may count yourself as lucky, the both of you. In some sense, you could go so far as to say that you have a guardian angel." Davidson spoke up now. "What? Who spoke to you just now?" Devski spoke once more. "It is not a matter that concerns you. But I would recommend haste. I can cover tracks in equipment and notes and records, but if you are still here when the next arrival of workers shows up, there will be questions." Brendus shrugged from under his suit. "Aye, I don't know what just happened here Davidson." "Your guess is as good as mine. But he's right. We should go now." Brendus patted him on the shoulder. "Aye, not to be a killjoy, but do you have somewhere you were planning on going?" "I did. I'm going to see my kids, and my wife. I owe them that." "Ye shouldn't do it alone lad. I'll come with." "Really?" "Aye." Davidson held out his hand. "Thank you. Really, from the bottom of my heart." "If it led ye to here, then thanks are not needed. Aye, it seems like ye have someone of your own that will thank ye one day. But first, we find them a home, right?" Davidson smiled. "We'll show them the stars."[/spoiler]

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