It's 1:47(loltimezones) it's not like you HAVE to be a part of this thread but I have a few questions.
Whenever I ask who created God I'm always answered with "Well God exists outside of time and is omnipotent and omniscient." Or something along those lines. But then this makes me wonder since God knows everything in existence ever he would have known Satan would tempt humans into committing sin. Why would he not create Satan? So basically God knew what he was doing and made humans just to doom them? Is God an egotistical asshat douchebag or am I missing something and God isn't omnipotent at all?
P.S I know God's not a he but whatever.
Actually, those are very good questions, this is one of the better religious posts in a while lol. Basically, it's like this: As a theist, I believe that the order I can see and feel around me is a sign of purpose, and I think that purpose transcends what I can immediately see and touch. I have absolutely no idea who this God is, what he looks like, if he's a he or if that's just a term we use to liken him to a biological male leader, I don't know if it's all just aliens or space fairies or teletubbies. It's something I just can't answer. As for the evil, I always think of it in terms of not being able to have light without dark. In order for order to arise, there has to be emptiness or chaos or darkness, otherwise it would be impossible to perceive many things, and we'd be dumb little chickens.