So while the Marty Fanboys are spazzing out . . . I think this will blow over in a month or two. Dont worry fellas, This is just a fad passing threw. Everyone is just jumping on the [url=]Bandwagon[/url].
Oh By the way, what about all the passionate testers, debuggers and designers who are actually the ones making the game. They probably didn't have a say in the decision. It's not ALL Bungie's fault...there's good in the company.
Sure blame the board I guess. But many good people will lose their jobs thanks to your selfishness. That is, If you boycott the first Destiny
Also, Wouldn't you want to BUY Destiny? I mean, It IS Marty's last work with Bungie? Marty's Music is STILL in Destiny. It's not like Bungie went back into Destiny and REMOVED all of Marty's music. Boycott Destiny 2 or something that doesn't involve Marty, idk. I think at the very least you hadn't taken that into Consideration?
Nice b8 m8 It's sure to get people irr8