I don't know if anybody has seen/made a thread about this yet, but I thought it was hilarious when I saw it yesterday.
Basically, a teenager pissed in a reservoir in Portland, Oregon and so Portland decided that this was enough of a reason to flush 38 million (that's 38,000,000) gallons of water down the drain. For reference, an Olympic swimming pool has a volume of 660,000 gallons and an average piss is around 8-10 oz, or 1/8448000 of an Olympic swimming pool (in ounces).
Does anybody else feel that this is [I]slightly[/I] excessive?
Bear Grylls on his way to Oregon as we speak.
I'm confused. Doesn't the water go through proper cleaning after that anyway?
What about the birds that probably swim and piss in that water?
Nope. I don't want to be drinking piss.
After getting e coli from a town's infected water source, nope, not at all. And -blam!- that guy.
That'll teach him not to pee in reservoirs.
Meh, who doesn't drink a little pee from time to time. Amirite?
One more thing it's not being disposed of, it's being moved to another location so it can be treated while a fresh supply of water is put into the reservoir instead.
He should be tied to the sluice when they open it <.<
Sounds reasonable.
Wait. I thought they were moving the water somewhere else to be treated and then brought back.
What happened to the teenager? Are they free to do whatever they want?
They are covering their butts. It is very very very tiny chance that someone could get sick but they do not want a lawsuit on their hands. Also you don't know what disease he could have aids...... A waste yes but necessary
We already had a lengthy discussion on this yesterday. It's pretty much a combination of being safe and sanitary and the city officials trying to make a big deal out of it to get support for redoing and moving the water reservoir.
It’s stupid as it posses little, if any risk.
Flood, don't be this guy.