[i]I feel like I've made this thread before[/i]
I swear I have.
[b]Please be patient. I'm at work and the lab requires I pay attention[/b]
If I don't know you then I'm sorry but I can't give ya anything :C
EDIT: It takes me a long time to get to everyone because I try to write out full and truthful responses.
I won't be able to get to everyone in time but I will do my best to respond to everyone in time.
See Sandtrap's comment about me being a satellite. He knows first hand that it's true
I think you are a creative, intelligent Woman. I enjoy your posts. [spoiler]Sorry to turn the tables on you. Have a great day at work[/spoiler]
Well I have not displayed myself very well so I can't imagine there is a whole lot of me to think about. But hey you never know.
Bring it on
Fire away
Bring it
Edited by Meta Cognition : 4/18/2014 4:32:52 PM
Started a new topic: Sparkles's Honest Opinion of You(54 Replies))
I doubt you know me, but I'll play anyway.
169 replies (not including this one) That was quick.
Hi Smi!
Wow, that's a lot of posts made in the last 3 minutes.
Choose Kow
Hello, Hello
I can say one thing... your clothing is comfortable!
Since you seem to put effort in this, go ahead.
Don't hurt me
Describe me in one word!
Oooh Oooh! Do me next!
Hit me. Then tell me what you think.
You can't have an opinion of me, [i]if you don't know of me![/i]