You appear very happy and it's taken me a long time to be able to pick up on the true annoyance in your voice
For those that don't know you too well you seem aloof or out of touch. I mentioned before that when I first began talking to you (as you were one of the first people I got on regular speaking terms with on this site) you seemed uninterested in doing so. Which a lot of others kind of get the impression of as well.
Your liking of art and dark souls it a big yes in my book. It's almost always fun to hear you arguing with your Dark Souls though sometimes you get a bit oblivious to people talkin in the party and speak over them
Not really a big deal as it's easy to maneuver around. I love seeing you post though you keep your real life off of bnet. It seems this place is more of a time consumer and escape for you
A lot of people say that I'm out of touch.