[i]ha I knew you would post[/i]
As I'm sure you're aware, I LOVE your sense of humor. I absolutely despised the shrek meme until I heard you shout "SHREKTUM" and I just about died. But I only enjoy it when I can hear you.
I love playing battlefield with you, though I suck at it, and you're an amazing tank sniper/driver.
In awe of how you play the game. You tend to [i]horse[/i] around a lot but there are buttons that, when pushed, you put on your angry/serious pants.
I agree with almost everything you ever say except your views on animals/hunting. I find that you can be a little extreme, unforgiving, and biased about it.
Though I dont believe you wish to be seen as such, your suddenly angry behaviour tends to take away a few point towards people seeing you super seriously when it comes to being a Psychologist.
You've been through a lot. I find that you're a strong person, very human, and I enjoy your violent tendencies.
Hehe c: Hopefully we can arrange another Shrekoning on BF3 soon :D Although neither of us have Xbawx Lief for various raisins <.< If by random chance in the futer you get a PS4/BF4... you will see my true shitbucketry <.< It makes my BF3 stuff look like a newb >:D Extreme, Unforgiving and Biased about it... Yep that's about right. Heh. An unfortunate side effect of displacing anger I believe, although it's not one I am keen to change, just perhaps get a better control over. It certainly gets difficult/unhelpful when I ignite like a pile of TNT over stuff <.< It does... :l I do need to work on not losing my shit as easily, it's unfortunately quite embedded in me as a reaction at the moment but maybe my Psychologist can help me fix that :D (When I eventually get an appointment that is) San Kyu c: