Ugh! How dare they make me wait! :(
I swear, isn't Thanos their main villain though?? I get confused with the different Avengers. For example, The Ultimates. Ever read those comics? They're Siiiick.
that he is! can't say i have though :( might check them out to pass the time between now and next year though!
Once you read the first one, you have to get all four! ps. The Hulk in the Ultimates is my favorite version. He's freaking hilarious! Another one of my favorite comics is The Thunderbolts. A team of super villains tamed by oscorp.
[quote] oscorp.[/quote] now i'm wondering how tasm2 is doing on RT. [url=][let's hope it goes up!][/url]
I haven't seen it yet. I didn't know it was out yet lol