How does it feel knowing that while you sit at home wondering why you don't have that qt. 3.14 innocent gf, your future wife is blowing Chad's dick? She's having the time of her life with Chad, giving her all to him. Meanwhile, you're probably going to be a virgin until your mid 20s, maybe hooking up with one or two of Chad's used-up skanks at the most, until you meet "her."
One day, when she's old, and her boobs are saggy and she's been used up by Chad more times than you can possibly imagine, she'll settle for you after she's gotten it all "out of her system" and is ready to offer a sexless domestic life to a beta male provider.
And for those already married or in a relationship, you're already in the final stages. Your wife or girlfriend gave herself to more men than she could possibly count. Someone else had her, it wasn't always you, and there's a good chance that you'll never satisfy her as much as her many [i]many[/i] previous partners have.
Tell me how this undeniable truth makes you feel?
It's ok It's not your fault that you have a small penis