So, many of you probably know of the Cuban Embargo (and if you don't, I suggest you get an education). Still in place after roughly 56 years, it holds that the United States is not to engage economically with Cuba in any manner.
Now, a lot of you will probably state that the embargo should be lifted. I state that it should not be lifted, for a number of reasons, one of which is the environmental, economic, and progressive costs it would wreak on Cuba. The embargo may not change their ideology - as the past 56 years will prove - but that's not why it's necessary anymore.
Cuba has grown up separately from the United States and has succeeded in a number of areas, namely it's organic farming industry, as evidenced below -
[quote][b]Trade Embargo forced Cuba to use Organic Farming Techniques.[/b]
[b][Cleef 2000][/b] Lisa Van Cleef, THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE (March 15, 2000) The Big Green Experiment / Cuba's Organic Revolution.
[b][u]"Already crippled by the U.S. embargo, the country was financially devastated with its food supply hit hardest. The Cuban response was to go organic, a much cheaper alternative to conventional chemical farming that doesn't rely on imports. The state's priorities shifted to food production, the scientific community began focusing on organic practices, and the city dwellers were mobilized as urban farming became a vital source of food."[/u][/b]
[b]Cuba is now a Leader in Organic Farming
[/b][b][Cassebaum’13][/b] Anne Cassebaum (October 29, 2013). News & Observer, Page: 9A (Raleigh, NC) from NewsBank on-line database (America's News).
[b][u]"Cuba’s struggle is inspiring. Faced with the loss of oil and chemical fertilizers in the 1990s, farmers, professors and the government made strides in organic farming that are noted the world over."[/u][/b]
[b]Cuba is making breakthrough Discoveries in Organic Farming
[b][Cleef 2000][/b] Lisa Van Cleef, THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE (March 15, 2000) The Big Green Experiment / Cuba's Organic Revolution.
[b][u]"Cuba's scientific community is also developing breakthrough biological fertilizers and pesticides using naturally occurring organisms and insects. According to Food First executive director Peter Rosset, there are more than 200 biotech centers in Cuba producing and distributing cutting-edge, non-toxic biofertilizers and pesticides based on local microorganisms."[/u][/b][/quote]
Do you agree or disagree? Should the embargo be lifted? Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Or vice versa?
I don't want to get bombed, keep the embargo.