So I've kinda fallen for this girl Sarah, who is a good catholic girl. She does marching band, jazz band, and concert band and is smart too. She's more what you'd call cute than hot and we already have good conversations whenever we do talk (which is every other day or two). Anyway, with me being Jewish will this go badly? I mean think of what my family would think (non-immediate) for falling for a goy, and hers for me being a Jew...
Damn you religious intolerance
Note: I don't care about religion but my extended family are... [i]stubborn[/i] and scare the shit outta me.
[quote]I've kinda fallen for this girl ... whenever we do talk (which is every other day or two).[/quote]Sorry, you have fallen for the idea. Wait until you can't go more that 6 hours and then start talking about "[i]fallen[/i]" ([i]unless your 6 years old, then you have to punch her in the arm as well[/i]) And if religion means that much to you already, that you are even questioning what to do ... call i quits now.