Well I have 3 characters planned.
A male Exo Hunter called Dexter (Main).
A male human warlock called Wilhelm (or Isaac).
And a female awoken titan called Maya.
Post your planned characters below!
Edited by Galahad: 4/27/2014 9:45:11 AMMaybe Human Titan, but Awoken Titan sounds pretty unique too. But I guess I need to know more about the Awoken's lore. In the end, it'll all come down to whom has the [b]best beard[/b] selection. Not sure about the names yet, but definitely something from Arthurian tales, like Galahad, Bercilak, etc. [spoiler]I'm not joking about the beard thing.[/spoiler]
main: female Exo hunter "Emerald¬θ6 (the mobile gameplay fits with the speed of a golden age AI. and the exo's ability to fit a smooth, natural profile. the combonation of long elf ear like fins with earthy green base color and purple eyes. it just works so well with the single speedy bright yellow stripe in center face ) secondary: Female Awoken warlock "Alaivia" (the elegant and calm nature of the awoken blends well with the warlock's schollarly nature. also their color pallet and hair styles seem to potray a position of knowlege and wisdom) backup: Male Exo titan "Gatehouse¬θθ "the Exo build is able to look ancient with a lack of paint. rust marks. battle damage. and dim colorless. all wrapped up in a perpetual frown that makes it look like he is always imagining 1000 ways to punch your face.)
Edited by FingerLickr: 7/29/2014 6:19:01 PMMain: Female Pure-Human Hunter - (Sam, Carter, Samantha. She likes her scout Rifle and she's tough I can't help to think she's Samantha Carter from SG1) Alternate Likely: Male Awoken(Or Human) Warlock Alternate : Male Exo Titan
And exo hunter because I love robots and I love the sniper/fast characters.
Awoken Hunter
Main: Male Awoken Hunter Alternate: Male Awoken Hunter Backup: Male Awoken Hunter
Main:Male Human Hunter named Alexiou Alternate:Male Exo Titan named Gnaeus
Male Exo Warlock and Female Human Titan or Hunter (not sure which one will claim the alt spot yet, but I doubt I will have time for all 3 classes)
Awoken warloco
Human Warlock!!! After the class video i stay with Warlock :D
Edited by callumdotexe: 4/27/2014 9:42:51 AMHey I'd don't suppose any of you guys are interested in playing online with me, I have literally no one to play with and since you guys answered at this moment it suggests you live somewhere in Europe I think (I'm no geologist). I'm on the Xbox one, have BF4, Titanfall and Forza 5.
Main: Male Human Titan (Zealot) 2nd: Female Awoken Warlock (Nilin)
Human Warnock named (dante) or (gray)
Just one, plan to go for an Exo Hunter.
Human Male Warlock (Main) Awoken Male Hunter (2nd) Exo 'Male' Titan (3rd)
Male Exo hunter called Gion IV (like a prototype robot in testing like bioshock 2's big daddy called delta i think plus the four first letters are part of my name) Female Awoken warlock called Nathylin (natty for short, i was looking for a elve-like name but this is the best i could do) Male Human titan called Avery Lasky ( the name is a mix of two of four of my favorite characters in the halo franchise)
Edited by Passizle: 4/25/2014 9:25:29 PMAwoken Hunter named Stryder. Exo Titan named War Machine. Human Warlock named Orco.
[quote]Well I have 3 characters planned. A male Exo Hunter called Dexter (Main). A male human warlock called Wilhelm (or Isaac). And a female awoken titan called Maya. Post your planned characters below![/quote] Exo Warlock FWC - Metalingus
I was originally planning Exo hunter but I started wondering why a robot would be an outlaw. Or a bounty hunter, or even care about loot. So I'm leaning towards human or awoken now. I still want to know more about each race. Guess I'll have to wait to make a race decision.
Awoken Warlock Exo Titan Human Hunter Names are still up for question and the gender.
Make awoken Titan just love the idea
Female awoken Titan.
Edited by GloriousWalrus: 4/25/2014 4:42:34 PMMaybe an awoken titan so he would look a bit like dr. Manhattan from Watchmen.
Human, Warlock, Dead Orbit
Race: Exo Class: Hunter Faction: New Monarchy
Exo Warlock