[url=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/185/3/b/durin__s_bane_by_qannik-d55xizd.jpg]Durin's Bane[/url]
Who wins?
Balrogs: -Immortal -Average weaponry is useless against them -Out of the three specifically recorded Balrog deaths, every one ended up taking the life of the victor in the process (Glorfindel and his Balrog, Echtelion and Gothmog, and Gandalf and Durin's Bane) Dragons: -Mortal, but long lived (Tolkien's unfinished [i]Hobbit[/i] rewrite says 5000 years) -Can be killed with conventional weapons -Out of the four specifically recorded dragon deaths, the victors survived the battle (Turin and Glaurung, Earendil and Ancalagon, Fram and Scatha, Bard and Smaug) My vote does to Durin's Bane.
I'm going to go with Durin's Bane/Balrog. Reason one: I will admit it's preference on my part. Reason two: they are essentially spirits who helped create the world. Reason three: Smaug was taken out by a single arrow (yes it was a small area to hit, but regardless it's a weak spot). Reason 4: it took a lot out of Gandalf to beat the Balrog. However, he willingly went with the dwarves to go reclaim the Lonely Mountain, so he must have been confident they could beat Smaug or he wouldn't have bothered to help.
It's all about ancalagon the black.
>Fire whip >Contrict Smaug's wings >Smaug breathes fire >Immune >Pulls Smaug to the ground and begins hack n slash mini game >Rinse repeat until Smaug's underarmour comes off and he dies Valaraukar wins. Flawless Victory.
We've had this exact thread before.
Durin's Bane was a Valaraukar, a spirit of the Maiar that was corrupted by Morgoth. Basically they're angels of death. Ima' let you decide from that information provided.
My Smaug wins both.
ww2 russia
Definitely Smaug. His fire looks so badass in the movies.
Smaug is a dragon from the north. A beast of Morgoth. A flying fire breathing dragon. But without an elven blade it's very hard to slay shadow and flame.
Edited by Based Gatsby: 4/24/2014 7:06:36 PMYour saggy lips. [spoiler]I'm not talking about your mouth[/spoiler]