Hi guys, I am a High School senior, soon to graduate. I have achieved much so far in my life, a Foreign Exchange and Eagle Scout to name a few. But, despite what I have accomplished, I have had a difficult time finding what I want to do with my life, as well as motivating myself to apply something I put my mind to. I'm attending community college next year, and am not too thrilled about it either.
So I ask, If there is anyone else who can share their experience with finding what to do with their future, it would be much appreciated to see your point of views. Thanks!
Find a field of study that interests you. For me, Neuroscience and Psychology just captivated me, and I set my goals to study those subjects. I'm a junior in Highschool, but I have everything planned out already. You just have to look at something that catches your eye, and go with it to see if it's truly something you want to pursue. It's kind of like choosing the right girl, or the right car, or the right house (or anything for that matter haha)