[url=http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/23/bad-loser-call-duty-gamer-calls-swat-team-teen-who/]When you lose, SWAT the winner to show them some REAL firepower[/url].
Consequences will never be the same.
[url=http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/teen-sends-cops-home-foe-beat-call-duty-article-1.1765656]About 3 p.m., the caller said his foe had killed his brother and mother, but cops arriving at the Long Beach address found his 17-year-old video game opponent playing “Call of Duty” in his own home, CBS 2 reported.
The hoax – involving more than 70 emergency responders – appears to have been an instance of a careless “game” called Swatting.[/url]
I too got SWATed, but I called Lester and he called them off.
Yeah. Posted this on FB. How the hell did he know his address? STUPID!!
From what I am reading/hearing, the call to police was made via Skype and dialed into the non-emergency, non-911 line (which doesn't have the ability to quickly locate/verify the location of the caller). As much as I hate to suggest it, MS may want to consider registering the numbers for non-emergency police departments and when calls are placed to them via Skype? A log of the caller's IP and other information. That log would be available to law enforcement upon request after incidents such as this. Of course, that information is probably already logged somewhere and my suggestion is already in place. Imagine the look on the face of the 12 year old sore loser when there's a knock on his door.
[spoiler]#Gaming[/spoiler] ?
....who the -blam!- has the time and resources to do this....over a COD game?!
How long has SWATing been a thing again? I kind of feel like it's been a few years since people started doing it to Hollywood celebs, but I could be wrong. You'd think they'd go after the guys that call in the prank harder and publicize that more...
And this is why I play on the PC.
Gee, I wonder who here probably did this...
Video doesn't work. Typical You Tube...
For reasons unknown to me a friend from school and his buddies decided to tie him up and put in the back of a truck, which he proceeded to jump out of, run through an intersection, then off into the woods. The police sent out helicopters and dogs searching for him because someone reported it as a kidnapping. Later that evening he had the police show up at his door, they were not happy.
Let's be honest, we've all felt like doing this before when playing CoD.
Aha I heard this. Impressive.
Lost it at, "He don't know what happened."
Always long beach
Heard about this the other day. While it's hilarious, it's also a HUGE waste of money and time.