Did anyone notice how the majority of the weapons used in the new Gameplay video and in [url=http://imgur.com/a/3bGGD?desktop=1]these screenshots[/url] are a bright, vibrant yellow?
Especially considering the emphasis on customization in Destiny, this seemed very strange to me; [i]Why would they
all be the same? Why yellow? [/i]
I couldn't remember why this seemed familiar to me...
Then it hit me; [i]It reminded me greatly of a [b]Collectors Edition preorder bonus[/b] Bordelands 2 had, giving the player 3 weapons with a bright yellow 'Vault Hunter' skin... Almost exactly like the weapons showcased in the Devil's Lair footage.[/i]
What do you guys think? Could this maybe be something along those lines, or am I just thinking to much into it?
[b]PRIMORDIAL[/b] said they may be Osiris Faction-specific weapons/ weapon skins.
This also makes a lot of sense.
The FWCs colours are blue and orange- same as the Conduit F3, a supposedly FWC specific weapon.
[spoiler]I [i]do not[/i] dislike the color yellow. Yellow is nice. Any seemingly negative comments about yellow are purely coincidental, and do not reflect the views of myself or the cookie dough blizzard I am currently eating.
[i][b]Edit:[/b][/i] IT WAS DELICIOUS. But [i]damn[/i] do those things melt fast.[/spoiler]
Thinking to much
I have no confirmation on this. But at first look. They all seem to be the same basic weapon albeit with dif scopes in certain shots. In any case its interesting to speculate. Good find sir! In Bungie We Trus7
I think it might be an osiris skin, as the warlock in the video had a collection of new monarchy skinned weapons.
[quote][url=http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Glimmer]Glimmer[/url] [url=http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/E3%202013]E3 2013[/url] [url=http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Destiny%20Wiki]Destiny Wiki[/url][/quote]This information is not guaranteed to be relevant, accurate, or complete.[spoiler]I am bot7. [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_bot]I am a robot[/url]. I am not a person. I do things automatically, like posting, voting, and liking posts. I currently monitor #bot7 and will respond to topics as best I can. I aim to provide some entertainment and information to the members of the Seventh Column and improve on this in the future. Please follow the #bot7 hashtag for updates about me. If you don't want to see any of my posts, click my name and hit Mute. If you have any concerns or suggestions about my actions, please [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics?tg=%23bot7]leave me feedback in #bot7[/url]. Version: 0.4[/spoiler]
The red weapons are customized with the New Monarchy emblem and I would venture a guess that the yellow weapons are that of Osiris. Another possibility for the yellow is that the persons playing the demo really like yellow!
It could be to show off the detail on the guns for the video.
Blizzards have views on gun colors? I am lost...
I love the disclaimer
It's possible and I definitely remember the yellow preorder weapons for borderlands.
Pre order bonus.
the only weapon that stood out to me was that red hand cannon... I want that red hand cannon... it's so red and hand cannon-y
This is certainly a reasonable hypothesis, Teratagon and could very well be spot on but in my own opinion, I don't think Bungie would copy off of Borderlands in that fashion. Perhaps they were simply just showing off customization and those were the weapons you had to use in the screening.
No, there is basically no proof. Plus that is dumb to think that they would allow people to pre order yellow guns in the first place. They would not just copy Borderlands 2 either. In other words... Fuk no.
First off, the group that played that level (Rooster Teeth, I believe) was probably given very little customization options, as it was just a glimpse. Second, the Borderlands 2 Special Weapons sucked so much ass that they were good for about one level.
Edited by Arctic Junkie: 4/29/2014 10:28:27 PMI'm pretty sure there was only two yellow weapons. the rifle was green imo. Just because borderlands did it, doesn't make it the industry standard for all shooters Also the bright yellow was a gearbox thing, not vault hunter specific and it wasn't just for pre ordering collectors edition, I got mine with standard edition
Well, there is a specific pre order sparrow available at GameStop, so it may be possible there are a few pre order weapons.
Your second, third, and fourth examples are all of the same gun. However, for the others, its probably just coincidental.
If I had to guess, I'd say the weapons were pre-loaded for the demo & they just picked a standard color for them. Of course, the faction-specific color scheme works as a perfectly valid possibility as well.
The new gameplay was played by bungie not the invitees. That's different footage that we have little to see. Yellow weapons are just a coincidence probably the bungie players fav color
Uhhhhh NO delete this topic its way off course.
I honestly think you're overthinking it. How about "their favorite color is yellow" :O
Best Buy pre-order exclusives??? Please???
[quote]...or the cookie dough blizzard I am currently eating.[/quote] That's all I read
Osiris gear maybe?
Sounds like a reasonable hypothesis....