Dolphins are capable of manipulating their vaginal muscles in order to provide maximum pleasure. Women cannot.
Dolphins secrete a substance that allows you to endlessly ejaculate as long as your dick remains in the vagina. women cannot.
Dolphins cannot cheat on you as they do not form lasting, intimate relationships. Women can, and not only can, buy enjoy doing it.
Dolphins do not mind if you phuck another dolphin. A woman will kill you if you phuck another woman.
Dolphins don't mind if you cum inside either. She won't force you to pay child support for 18 years like a woman. She can't even get pregnant.
Dolphins won't leave you for another dolphin with more money. Dolphins do not have a system of currency and are not consumer whores like women.
If you are the submissive type, dolphins can be aggressive, and far more convincingly aggressive, not like a 140 pound bitch who doesn't scare anyone.
Dolphins do not expect you to spend exorbitant amounts of money on them.
Dolphins give up easily.
Dolphins do not demand superior rights to men.
Dolphins do not organize dolphinwalks.
You can ride a dolphin through the ocean.
Dolphins are more intelligent than women.
Everything a real woman can do, a dolphin does better, and without being a bitch. So Flood, why aren't you with a Dolphin?
Dolphins fight sharks too