With a final push, I've finally published the exciting new clan profiles over at [url]http://www.clansofdestiny.com[/url] :)
For those who haven't yet visited us, we're a Destiny Fan community which aims to provide free profiles/websites for all clans. We're developing a useful/powerful tool that clan owners can use to direct their operations outside of the game.
Today, we've published the first version of our Clan Profile features. This means that anyone can register a clan profile and give the site a test to see if it's something they'd be interested in the long run :)
A great example of such a clan profile can be found at:
Really looking forward to the game release, and I hope that this site can provide all the tools / features clan owners need in time for the launch day ;)
Just to keep everyone updated, we've added a bunch of new tools and features to the site since my last post :)