No, not the loud parties or them stomping on the floor. Not even the loud sex sounds coming through your ceiling at 3 AM.
For this one, you had better check your homeowner/renters insurance policy.
[url=]See if you are covered for damages due to "exploding corpses" which is (according to the courts) not really an explosion[/url].
[quote]Back in 2008, an elderly woman's undiscovered body had decomposed so badly inside her apartment that it exploded. Fluid from the ruptured corpse began to seep through the floor and into the apartment below, which led the owner of that unit to sue her insurance company, claiming that it needed to pay for the damages.[/quote]
Top floor master race?
Top floor? Why not share the same room...
That's disgusting.
Speaking of apartment living and loud sex at 3AM... [spoiler]Every Friday and Saturday at 3AM, like clockwork. I could set my watch to my neighbor's debauchery. [/spoiler]
House master race.
Undiscovered for two weeks? Are you serious? A guy who lived across the street from me once, died and within 2 days I could smell him. Crazy.
Oh. What if the exploding corpses had loud parties and sex too? That'd be awful.
Some of the flood would probably love this to happen to them. They'd gather the fluid in a tub and bathe in it or something.
Recon, your posts never fail to amaze me.
Now that's a flood, the spores exploded, but they won't release that to the public
Daaamn, this is weird. Terribly weird.
Top floor master race.
I guess you could say her case is [i]dead[/i] in the water then
Did she also change her WIFI name to 'Cheap Rectal Bleaching'?
Wat, dafuq?
I'm really glad I'm the only one living in my house.
[quote]which led the owner of that unit to sue her insurance company, claiming that it needed to pay for the damages.[/quote]Physical or emotional?
I could get off to the sex noises.