[quote][b]Rules:[/b] You may post only once, that being your recording. You must sing your song for at least 30 seconds. You may sing from any part. [u]No background music[/u]. Only your natural voice.[/quote]
After I judge and criticize you, you'll be given a star if you thoroughly [i]wow[/i] me. I'll then pick a genre for you, where you'll pick another song in that chosen genre. Same rules apply.
If you make it to 7 stars, you win and I announce you the voice of the community. You will undoubtedly be the greatest singer on
[b]As of 5/3/14 you may post your recording of whatever song you'd like.[/b]
(Considering I have the weekend off I should be able to be on top of this, be patient, I'll listen to your recording.)
[quote][b]Rules:[/b] You may post only once, that being your recording.[/quote]O Rly?