Destiny doesn't look like fun. The gameplay looks so easy.The universe doesn't make any sense (what the -blam!- is a mythic scifi?) Why would I want to play with a fire team? So that other people can steal my kills? They'll just get in the way. The scenery looks so dull and gloomy, why would anybody play in such a place? You guys makes such false expectations that half of this forum would end up returning this game because it wasn't as cool as you thought it would be.
Sorry everybody for being such a trolly poopoo head. I realized that destiny will over 9000 GOTYs. It instantly topples halo, cod, borderlands. gears of war, sky rim, titan fall, assassins creed, mario, gta, and every single game ever made. In destiny, all that matters is working in a teeeeeeaammmm!!! FRIENDSHIPIS MAGGGGGIIIIIIIC!!!!1111!!!!! How can i be so dump for not accepting destiny into my life any sooner? I can't wait to get into a fire team to suck my fellow guardians' thunder lords!!!! So what class will you pick? Im gonna be a vanguard even though nobody knows what it even is LOLZ!!! This intelligent community brought some insight that was simply brilliant. They, no doubt, must've graduated with high honors in one of most prestigious universities in the world.