God Tier: Episode V
Good Tier: Episode IV, Episode VI
Okay Tier: Episode III
Bad Tier: Episode I
Shit Tier: Episode II
Doesn't Belong Tier: The Clone Wars (2008)
You know this list is true. Prove me wrong, pro-tip: You can't.
Revenge was better than Return. Return was a mess or ewoks and "chooba wamba solo hah hah hah" Trying to turn luke and that last fight with Vader was fantastic though. Both had awful scripts, and revenge had one actor who obviously couldn't cope with the awful dialog, but return has the strongest military in the galaxy loosing to teddy bears, justify it all you want it was just bad. Empire was fantastic A New Hope was good Episode 1 was decent if you ignore jar jar and lil' ani Episode 2 minus the battle of geonosis was terrible through and through.