I do like the show, but for the major characters I find them boring at best for most of the time. Peggy I find annoying, Luanne I can't stand her ignorance and for Hank and Booby I don't mind, but I still find boring. To me they rarely do anything funny, it's the the characters that make them funny to me. Which is Bill, Dale and Boomhauer which I also find the best characters to the show. The stupid things they do and their personalities is what I like about them.
For example the example the episode they got lice. Dale put that shit on his head and soon latter he is rolling on the ground getting hosed. Then there's the episode where Hanks insurance runs out. Booby and Hank open up the curtains and all hell brakes loose. Bill is spinning around with a laming turkey on his foot and Dale is getting chased by bees.
That boy ain't right