Just one more day tail the whalkend.
ITT: Discuss the qwhality of your day and how you plan to spend your whalkend.
I work all weekend. Basically Wednesday and Thursday is my weekend since they're my days off. Friday is my new Monday.
I've had a good day so far, feeling much better than yesterday. (Silly mood swings) Although I'm really sore, a big bath tub full of hot water and women to massage me would be perfect right about now.
Is this all Space Whale does?
Dandy, hope you have a good weekend, sei you later Space Whale.
Gonna play some WhaledStar beta this weekend. And go to work, because I don't have a proper m-f job.
I am dolphinately going to relax.
My Friday sucks. Been cleaning all day because of my aunt visiting, everyone in my family is in a pissy mood because my dad still doesn't have a job, and I have to spend 12 hours at a youth retreat at my church tonight. Thanks for the good vibes though.
Motocross :D
I'm drawing on my IPad! :3
I might go to the coast to see relatives this weekend Gonna hang with my qt 3.14 gf after school.