I'm going to play as Titan.
Think ama go for a goblin
What you should do is tell your girlfriend that [i]her[/i] religion (assuming you don't share the same views, but I don't know you) shouldn't dictate what your son can and cannot do, and that her demands to change the Traveller's name is flat-out ridiculous. Play [i]Destiny[/i] with your son, and help him form beloved memories that he will remember for the rest of his life. If your girlfriend doesn't want to play and be a part of said beloved memories, then she could at least not try to force the same view on your son. I believe that's called "being a bitch." I will say I'm surprised, though; I'm used to Christians barking at everybody about how to live their lives in the US. Never seen Muslims get butthurt over videogames before.
Just override her IMO. She will have to make compromises. What I'm really confused about is why she wanted the traveller to be called god in the first place. It makes no sense.
Tell your girlfriend that Bungie actually changed it to Allah. In Bungie we trus7
Edited by Razoron333: 5/11/2014 11:24:48 PMIf you and your girlfriend both vote on opposite sides of this then the tie breaker should be your son because he should learn that in life you have to eventually start making choices. Also if they rename the traveler Allah that is making fun of her religion which will only make the problem worse also tell her that the traveler in no way is supposed to be related to Allah. Tell her all the traveler is a ship that sacrificed itself to save the last city of humanity and uses technology to grant power to serve humanity for it's survival not at all like anything Allah would do. Then this is a question I hope you will reply to is she also hesitant to let him play because she is afraid he will become desensitized?
Umm be a man and lay down the law
[quote]0/10[/quote] This place was extremely better when you were gone.
6 ? Lies.
So your girlfriend is Muslim and won't let her son play destiny......because it's against her religion? Isn't having sex and a child out of wedlock against her religion also? Seems like she's picking and choosing which rules of her religion to follow.
Wait, Muslim women marry outside their religion? Better watch out for the in-laws bud.
Edited by DEZARATH: 5/11/2014 11:32:16 PMI guess that sums up a mute since you're wasting my time.