So I'm drafting a thread on a certain subject and I'm almost finished with the first section but I'm stuck on the right words to use to close it out. I'd like to say something along the lines of...[quote][b]1)[/b] "Afterall, if this thing is possible, then isn't the the sky's the limit?"[/quote]or...[quote][b]2)[/b] "Afterall, if this thing is possible, then who is to say what can or can't be done?"[/quote]...without actually saying any of those things. Specifically, I don't like sentence 1) because it's way too cliche, and I don't like sentence 2) because the rest of my thread focuses on saying what can and can't be done and it would be a pretty blatant contradiction.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated, as it is now I'd have to rearrange some things to get the flow to work without this sentence.
After all, if this is possible, there may truly be no limits. Bare in mind, this is not a "complete sentence".