originally posted in:Xbox 360 Destiny Gamers
I am going to be Exo Warlock and my GT is MrNiceGuyx4 (may change soon...)
Human Hunter GT: mdmatze
Awoken Titan seems unique
Race: Human. Class: Hunter. GT: deadfreight
Race: Human. Class: Warlock. GT: EE DevilHunter
Human hunter and the gt is up here ^
Most likely an Awoken Warlock or Exo Hunter depending on how the beta goes. Also my gamer tag it Wulfen Warrior.
Race: Awoken Class: Hunter GT: RedMoonRaven Can't wait to tear up the Fallen. Who's with me?
Awoken Edgewalker Hunter looking to either start a Fire team or join one...I don't do a whole lot of PvP but if the PvP is good (which bungie usually has good PvP) I will try it but I mostly like playing co op...I can only play on weekends due to my work and having to go a friends house to play online sense I don't have internet at my house yet and even then i won't get to play every weekend...I would like to say I am a pretty decent shot but not the best ever (I can hit my target about 60-75% of the time when they are on the move) and I am a team player...if u need an Edgewalker or want to join a fire team hit me up here or on XBL(I play on 360 for now till I can get some money saved for a PS4) GT: Carnut8807
Race: Awoken Class: Order of the Sun Warlock All about the support always have been so if there is a Hunter, Titan pair looking for a Warlock support give me a shout. G.T: Smoking Kilis oh and btw if destiny has split screen support my wife maybor may not join me on my travels. More on that if and when we get more info.
Exo hunter Gonna most likely run edgewalker (melee) focus
Race:Exo Class:Hunter GT:Iceboundsatyr2
Race: Awoken Class: 'Lock GT: Rex084
Race: Awoken Class: Warlock GT: Butcherfist
Im thinking human titan because everyone wants to be anything but that and i want to be different (•_•)
I'm planning on being an Exo Titan. My GamerTag is DrSnuffy.
Either an awoken warlock or a human hunter GT: flyinbodyparts
Edited by HoodHood98: 5/13/2014 12:32:05 PMI've decided to go with an Awoken Warlock as my first and probably main Guardian. Get about that scholar life! GT: HoodHood98
Exo Hunter. Although I am looking forward to how the Awoken will look, so depending on that basis I may change my race. GT: Cogworks