Okay, so I was in the shower like an hour ago and I was just thinkin'.
I was thinking of Vietnam, because that's what we all think in shower, duh.
And then I thought of the Soviet Union.
"Hey, that sounds familiar."
And then it struck me: Soviet and Vietman both start and end with "viet", respectfully.
Talk about amazing shower discoveries.
Ultra Bump
I think about how showers disrupt all my senses and make me vulnerable to attack.
Edited by Twitchyloner: 5/13/2014 6:34:24 PMI think about alot of things, my thoughts tear away at my past.. and my present.. with the uncertainty of the future. The shower for me is very much my, alone time per say. To try and recount things and fix them. But once I get out, the world attacks, and here bungie I lay.
I just noticed op and ossku have the same avatar
Usually just think of how great life would be if I were a girl,and that I really should arrange some therapy. Also how id even tell parents about transitions. Then I realise it's been about half an hour and it's gotten to the point where my skin looks like it's melting.
I usually fantasize.
I get better thoughts when I'm going to sleep after a night out. Shame I can't remember them... [spoiler]...which is why I've invested in post-it notes and a pen near my bed.[/spoiler]
I don't think in the shower. I get in and out as fast as I can. Showers make me feel sick
"I'm hawt"
"Why do I have to get out?"
Hmm well i think about nothing.
Edited by BloodRaven52455: 8/10/2019 4:43:31 PM
I normally just think about my GF. Sometimes I'm swallowed by loneliness. Encompassed by feels.
Sovietnam Lol I usually think about washing my hair cause that's usually what I'm doing, I think of my future too.
Edited by Elegiac: 5/13/2014 5:22:04 PMI think of lots of different things.
I usually think about -blam!-ing horses. Coincidentally, that's what I'm thinking about most of the time.
Edited by DTL: 5/13/2014 4:54:46 PM"It's going to take forever to clean this thing... Hope I bought enough soap."
Edited by BioAwoo: 5/13/2014 4:22:35 PMI learned that cereal is technically a soup. And Hersey's Kisses are just big chocolate chips, also "color inside the lines" was practice for scantrons.
The nature of the universe and my existence.
Shower's the only time I'm ever truly at peace. Just sit down, under the water, as it feels like rain, and just, take it all in.
[b]Shower thoughts~[/b] Omnipotent Personas fighting against eachother.
I think about politics in the shower.
Edited by Alphy : 5/13/2014 3:11:39 PM[i] [/i]
Vietsoviet. Vietnamviet. Hm.