[url=http://majornelson.com/2014/05/13/delivering-more-choices-for-fans/]On a scale of 1 to 10, how butthurt are you today?[/url]
How I felt when I came home today.
But, but muh convenience.
I'm quite upset, this means developers won't be able to focus on making great games like The Fighter Within or Kinect Sports Rivals.
Well I already have my Kinect and I'm glad I do. I didn't think I would use it as much as I have...
Nice bait, not. I'm annoyed at the decision because I supported Kinect and liked the idea of where it could take the gaming experience, but that's not going to happen now that a Kinect-free SKU is being released. Kinect will remain a gimmick thanks to whiny bitches.
Remember when you said that dropping the Kinect would half the price of the Xbone? lel
Not butthurt at all. I enjoy using it, but I'm glad they made it optional. I have no doubt in my mind that Phil Spencer knows how to get shit done. I look forward to seeing what else is in store for the Xbone.
Edited by BannedLemön: 5/13/2014 9:29:21 PMNope. I've always hated that piece of shit. I'm so glad that shit got dropped.
Lol Kinect.
So long as it becomes more incorporated into the "Xbox Experience", I'll be fine. If it falls by the wayside, what will be the difference between Xbox and Playstation consoles? Exclusives? If console gaming is going to continue, we need a little bit of product variation. Something to justify one purchase over another, so that we don't end up with just one console. [spoiler]I like diversification, because then people get choices. In this case, the added choice is Kinect or no Kinect. Hopefully the Kinect is popular enough to be a serious part of the market.[/spoiler]
Well since you used the word butthurt, zero. Only an idiot would get upset over a change like this and only an idiot would get their rocks off over the reactions of others towards this.
Buying a XBOX 1 in 2015 or 2016 is going to be a lot easier now. Netflix and other apps getting free of the Paywall is a good sign and who knows maybe Gold will drop to a fantastic price.
Edited by Mystical: 5/13/2014 8:03:52 PMI'm just glad the aggressive fanboys can finally shutup now. If they can't respect that I don't like kinect it serves them right to get all hurt over a video game console and a piece of plastic. They shouldn't have assumed that everyone should be forced to love kinect and that it's some end all be all savior of gaming. It never was. Reality check today kids =) I don'y have a prob with players who support or.like kinect. Only those who forced their opinions of kinect on me over these past few months both here on these forums and abroad.
[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote]Yes……[spoiler][b][i][u][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote]it dropped[/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/u][/i][/b][/spoiler][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][quote][/quote][quote][quote][/quote][/quote]
It seems like I missed something.
Am I upset about something I cannot change? Pretty stupid question, OP. I probably would have gotten a Kinect eventually anyway. I like it.
Thank god.
Not upset, just a little dissapointed
Edited by Green Twister: 5/13/2014 3:44:01 PM