So flood, what reason would you have for fighting in WW3 or a major war? Be it for patriotism or money or whatever.
I personally would fight just because I could. It would be exiting to say the least.
Exciting? You would be right in that you'd be faced with new obstacles and situations that get your heart racing, but you'd also witness the horrors of war. You know, watching the friends you've made die in front of you, constantly worrying that your going to get hit, seeing cities ravaged and destroyed with the people still in them. Yeah, those exciting things.
I'd happily "manage" the prisoners of war.
If I had MJOLNIR MK.VI armour.
So I can pew pew people. My favorite part is when they stop moving.
There are only two cases where I would fight. Case 1: Removing a tyrannical government. I'd rather fight and die for freedom than live under oppression. Case 2: Defending my homeland. A foreign power invades my country you bet your ass I will take up arms against them. I don't care if I'd be labeled as a 'fighter' and not receive the same rights as a soldier, I would still fight.
If the UK was actually being threatened by someone other than a miserable 3rd world shithole *stares at argentina* then yeah, I'd probably do my part. I wouldn't be any use on the front though, what with my shitty health. If there are any propaganda/psyops posts that need filling then that'd suit me fine.
Ha. I can't join the army.
So that i can pR0L3GitXxKwik5c0pezxX u IRL
Depends on what my country is fighting for. Id pull a Muhammad Ali if the US wants to pull another Vietnam.
I'd probably enjoy executing reds.
lol nope
I wouldn't war is stupid mmmmmkay!!!!
Well given that Im an American, wed probably be fighting Russia, Id always fight Communists.
I'd fight cause I'd get drafted.
Cause whoever has the wizard always wins.
Trick question. I wouldn't fight in someone else's war.
Is HitlerStalin 2.0 planning to invade my country? Then yes, I would fight. Then probably die like 2 seconds into battle.
I would enjoy it. But mostly I would volunteer because, by the time there's a draft, the majority of spots to fill will be infantry. Might as well get in early and get a commissioned post.
I wouldn't most likely. The recruiter would take one look at me and say "Nah, we don't need you." On a serious note, I probably would if it was for a good cause/ something I could get behind. If the U.S. was attacked like in WW2 I would probably sign up.
Most likely we would all be forced conscripts in a fight that large. Hopefully it won't come to that. It isn't as fun as it appears in games. It's actually quite horrifying.